There’s no shortage of heartwarming dog videos on the internet, but this one is almost guaranteed to make you shed tears of joy. This loving foster dog’s reaction to getting adopted will seriously tug on your heart strings. Cali, who was being fostered by Dina Recio, was overjoyed when the woman explained that she was going to adopt her. In a TikTok video shared by a New York City-based Animal Rescue in April, Recio can be seen sitting down to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the perceptive pup.
Recio holds Cali’s face in her hands and tells her, “I love you, and you were sent to my life for a reason, and I’m going to adopt you, okay?” After Recio confirms the good news by telling Cali, “You’re adopted, mama,” the dog found a cozy spot in her new owner’s lap and cuddled up. Recio was shocked by the dog’s gesture, and she got emotional and began to sob at the canine’s ability to seemingly understand the situation.
“Oh, Cali,” she said in the video. “Yeah, mama’s adopted. Welcome to your forever home. Yeah, you’re here forever and ever.” The dog kissed Recio’s face upon hearing her welcoming words, showing her that she felt happy to be part of the family. Recio happily hugged the pup to show her love and dedication to caring for her. Dogs are both intelligent and instinctive, and Cali’s reaction proves that she reciprocated Recio’s love.
The moment was a special one for Recio, who had lost her 17-year-old pet dog just five weeks before deciding to adopt Cali. The bond between Recio and Cali was instant, with the adoption process taking place only two weeks into her being fostered.
The two-year-old mixed breed was brought into Recio’s life through Waldo’s Rescue Pen. She credits Cali for being a source of joy in her life, at a time when she needed it most. She was such a healing presence, which is what I so badly needed. I’m very grateful for her,” she said.
The response to the video was overwhelmingly positive. With more than 691,000 views, TikTok users from far and wide commented to show their support for the dog owner and her new companion. The video elicited an emotional response from viewers, with one person saying the clip left her “Absolutely sobbing in the gym,” and another saying, “So now I’m crying, I don’t have time for this today.” A separate TikTok user pointed out that Cali also chose Recio to be her person. “She said okay I pick you too!,” the commenter suggested. “She understood every single word you said,” said another comment.
Cali’s adoption may be a success story, but so many other dogs are still waiting to find their forever home. The motto of Waldo’s Rescue is “Every dog deserves a life filled with love,” and it’s clear that’s what Cali will be getting with her new owner.