Wacky Neighbors Who Make Life More Interesting
Neighbors are like family. You don’t get to pick them. Most people have at least one neighbor horror story that made their life harder. There’s the loud neighbor, the grouchy neighbor, and the nosy neighbor who is always trying to get in your business.
Love them or hate them, neighbors do make the neighborhood a more interesting place. Take a look at some of these anecdotes about silly, wacky, and confusing neighbors. From neighborhood feuds to funny pranks, these neighbors all contribute to a more interesting living environment.
Support Comes in All Kinds of Packages
This person adopted the neighborhood stray cat and their neighbor’s cat got her pregnant. Kittens were a little more than they signed up for when they took in the stray! Lucky for them, the neighbor is willing to help.

Source: BoredPanda
They woke up to this child support package on their doorstep. It probably contains some cat food, litter, cat toys, and other essentials to help the owner of the stray raise the kittens. How considerate! We have to admit, this is a hilarious way to offer up their help.
Who's Going to Tell Them Birds Fly... Not Walk?
Sometimes it’s best to not try and understand your wacky neighbor, but to just appreciate them for all their weird quirks. This couple takes their parrots out for walks everyday! Is someone going to tell them that parrots do not actually need walks?

Source: BoredPanda
Owning birds is not exactly the same as owning a dog. But maybe this is just a way for them to get out of the house and meet people. You must admit, wearing a parrot in a backpack cage is definitely an effective conversation starter.
A Welcomed Visitor in Need of Some Potassium
This little guy showed up at his neighbor’s door, requested a banana, and headed home. We’re not sure if he was in dire need of some potassium or just looking for a snack at the end of a long day. Either way, we respect his bravery (and his fashion sense).

Source: BoredPanda
We can only imagine the surprise of this person when he showed up and made his request. This person shouldn’t be surprised if this little dude continues to pop in for a snack. As far as neighbors go, this is one you don’t mind having around. He’s keeping things interesting.
A Cat With Some Bad Habits
Most people have to respect a clever sign. When your neighbor is dropping their cigarette butts all over your lawn, a funny sign is a good way to get them to stop without causing any animosity. Blame it on the cat! Judging by that picture of the cat, we have no doubt that he is stalking around in the night trying to find cigarette smokes to smoke.

Source: BoredPanda
We hope this sign was effective and gave everyone else in the neighborhood a good laugh. It looks like that furry guy has his eye on anyone who is thinking about discarding their cigarettes on the ground and we sure wouldn’t want to get on his bad side.
Gathering the Family For a Serious Chat
We’re sure people have seen some pretty crazy things through the windows of their neighbors homes, but this person got a sneak peek into their neighbor’s personal life that is just too bizarre to make any sense of.

Source: BoredPanda
The man seems to be deep in conversation… with watermelons. This person looked through their window at 3:00 A.M. to find their neighbor in a seemingly serious meeting with a bunch of fruit! What could they possibly have to discuss? We wonder if they ever got answers on this one or if they just decided to steer clear of Watermelon Man from this point forward.
Neighborhood Feuds: Google Maps Edition
Neighbor feuds are not uncommon. It’s not easy to get along with everyone in your direct vicinity. One neighbor lets his grass grow too long or makes too much noise and then a battle begins. But these neighbors took their feud to a whole new level.

Source: BoredPanda
This person personally carved out a choice name on his land so that even pilots in planes above and anyone on Google Maps would be able to see what he thought of his neighbor. This is a pretty extreme move and we have to wonder if the label is warranted or not. What might the neighbor have done to deserve this?
Are you Happy Now, Bob?
Feuding neighbors often get their start when one party doesn’t take care of their property in the eyes of the other neighbor. Obviously, Bob was fed up with looking at his neighbor’s ugly fence and asked him to paint it (probably on more than one occasion).

Source: BoredPanda
This neighbor did not take too kindly to being told what to do, so he made this little act of defiance for the entire neighborhood to enjoy. Technically, he did paint the fence, just not in the way Bob would have liked. Be careful what you wish for!
One Way to Make Sure People Avoid You in the Neighborhood
Not everyone is looking to make friends in the neighborhood. Some people just want to be left alone. It seems there’s always at least one grumpy person in the neighborhood that stays to themselves and doesn’t care to make conversation at the mailbox. This is one way to ensure you won’t be invited to the next block party.

Source: BoredPanda
This person keeps a super creepy doll perched in the corner of the window so it looks like there’s someone staring down at you at all times! It’s like a scarecrow but for people. It’s pretty cheap security and we can only assume it’s effective in keeping people away.
Godzilla’s Garden
We can only guess what would inspire someone to keep a giant Godzilla statue in their backyard. They might be a huge fan of the films or they’re looking to scare off any thieves or burglars.

Source: BoredPanda
It’s pretty cool and keeps the neighborhood interesting, so no complaints here. Everybody has their own style and taste and this sure makes for some interesting decor. We wonder if they use it as a super intense scarecrow to keep birds away from their garden.
Personal Security on Behalf of 'The Rock'
Alarms, Ring doorbells, and cameras are all effective security measures that will give home owners some peace of mind. But the real security is in this strategy right here. This neighbor keeps a life size cardboard cutout of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in their front window.

This is sure to make kids second guess ding-dong-ditching or egging the house. The Rock is the best security you could ask for. We definitely would not want to get on his bad side. We wonder if this cardboard cutout has alarmed some postmates or UPS delivery people.
Kids Will Be Kids
The neighborhood kids always seem to be up to something. This person always finds balls and toys in his backyard that the neighbor’s kids accidentally throw into the backyard. This time they gave him a good prank.

Source: BoredPanda
He came out into his yard to find Thor’s hammer planted firmly in the ground. They even dug around where the hammer lies to make it look like it hit the ground with great force. We have to appreciate that the kids have a sense of humor and we hope this neighbor did as well. Points for creativity!
Wacky Birthday Party Theme
It looks like Jonathan had an interesting birthday party theme. This person found his neighbor’s yard covered in small cows with a sign congratulating Jonathan on his 18th birthday. Maybe cows are his favorite animal?

Source: BoredPanda
Sometimes, it’s best not to question your neighbor’s oddities. Although, we would be pretty confused too if we saw cows littering the lawn. Regardless, we hope Jonathan had an amazing birthday and that he was happy with the cow theme.
A Pirate’s Life for Me
In one of the most surprising and creative examples of neighborhood fun, we came across this person who made their balcony into a pirate ship. We have to assume this idea came from a person who was cooped up in their home for too long and needed something fun to do with their time.

Source: BoredPanda
Maybe they had kids to entertain during the pandemic and so they transformed the balcony into a pirate ship that even Captain Jack Sparrow would be proud of. These are the fun kinds of neighbors we could use more of!
A Message for Maintenance
Sometimes, one sign is just not enough. One person came across these notes left for maintenance on their neighbor’s door. If we had to guess, we’d say they’re worried about the maintenance guy letting their cat out.

Source: BoredPanda
Each sign gives just a little more information. Better safe than sorry! To be fair, we have to assume maintenance was extra careful when opening the doors after seeing all three of the warning signs. That’s a lot of exclamation marks so they must mean business.
Nutella Party
The new neighbors threw a housewarming party. You’d expect the trash and recycle bins to be filled the following day but more so with bottles of wine and beer. What they found was much more interesting.

Source: Doodoo.
The trash bins were full of empty Nutella bottles, of all things. What kind of party was this? We can assume that they’re in for a treat with these wacky neighbors.
Mystery Machine
If you saw this bus outside your window you might assume that your new neighbors were Scooby, Shaggy, and the rest of the gang. Whoever actually drives this van must be a huge fan of Scooby Doo.

Source: Imgur
Or, maybe the can comes with its own group of mystery-solving friends. Regardless, it’s more interesting than most other cars so they certainly make an impression on the neighborhood.
Decor That is Out of This World
You can tell a lot about a person based on the way they decorate their home. This, of course, includes the way they decorate their front yard. So what can we tell about these people with the aliens and a flying saucer in their yard?

Source: Reddit
Are there aliens hiding in plain sight? Maybe they’re just really into metallics. Whatever the case, we can safely assume that these neighbors will be anything but boring.
Probably Shouldn’t Park Here
Well, if you’re looking for one way to piss off this neighbor, you know how. We wonder how many people parked in front of their garage before they felt it was necessary to put this sign on the garage door.

Source: Onedio
There must have been many! But this sign couldn’t be more clear. Never ever ever ever park here. Plain and simple. As long as you follow that rule, we’re sure you can still get along.
Elephant Cocktail
Imagine moving into a new neighborhood and seeing this decor in the front yard. This is perhaps the last scene I could imagine in a garden, and yet, here we are! We’re not sure if this person is really into pink, animals, or just has really kooky style.

Source: Wfmulti.wpengine
Not only is there an elephant in the yard, but it is pink and it has a martini in its trunk. To add to the scene, the drunk elephant is surrounded by tiny flamingos. The award for most interesting neighbor goes to…
Get Rid of the Dandelions
We can’t be sure what this neighbor has against dandelions but they sure don’t seem happy about them growing in their neighbor’s yard. Thankfully, the neighbor with the dandelions has the perfect solution.

Source: Reddit
Put up a sign to give away the flowers! We wonder if this solution satisfied the cranky neighbor or only made them more mad.
Jacuzzi Wars
This photo is a perfect example of “there are two kinds of people”. The neighbor on the left is enjoying a nice hot tub complete with jets and bubbles. It looks like the neighbor on the right didn’t want to miss out on the luxury of a spa.

Source: Wfmulti.wpengine
So, he went ahead and made a jacuzzi of his own in his backyard. And he looks to be having just as much fun, if not more. Who says you can’t DIY a hot tub?
New Neighbor in the Gutter
This person looked through their window to find a new neighbor hanging out in the gutters of his neighbor’s house. We’re sure he’ll find this little guy sniffing around the trash cans for as long as he’s living there.

Source: Reddit
But sharing is caring! We’re not sure how he managed to get on the roof or how he plans on getting down. But for now he looks happy as a clam. And happy neighbors are good neighbors. So, keep on keeping on!
Snowball Fight
Apparently, this guy has a neighbor who is kind enough to freeze one singular snowball each year and surprises him with a sneak attack year after year. This year, he has come prepared.

Source: Imgur
He has frozen many snowballs and is prepared to release fire on his neighbor when he least expects it. It’s all in good fun but this looks like the beginning of a very involved snowball war!
A Perfect Gentleman
Imagine going on a stroll through the neighborhood to find this gentleman sitting on a bench, just minding his business. This looks like just the kind of neighbor we would all love to have.

Source: Taringa
He looks very proper. You might almost mistake him for a real person! We bet this neighbor is always happy to see you, but he doesn’t clean up after himself all that well.
Extending an Olive Branch
We have to applaud the way that this group extended an olive branch to their neighbors to apologize for the noise in advance. Leaving a note is nice but adding a gift to the note is even nicer.

Source: Reddit
We hope that the neighbors managed to deal with the noise so that they could celebrate their friend’s 21st birthday. Maybe they even joined in the festivities with those jello shots.
Rise and Shine, Neighbors
Oops, it looks like someone mistook their roof for their living room. How did he even get those chairs onto the roof, let alone himself? It looks like he had quite an eventful night judging by the lack of clothes and beer in hand.

Source: Reddit
As far as wacky neighbors go, this might be the wackiest. He’s living a little too close to the edge for comfort. Good luck to the neighbors living around this man. At least it’s never boring!
It’s a Mile Long Bottle Cap Rope, Of Course
In a long list of things you wouldn’t expect to find in your neighbor’s yard is a mile long rope made completely of bottle caps. This person’s neighbor keeps this impressive, yet odd collection of bottle caps in his front yard.

Source: Imgur
Maybe this is purposeful because he wants to display the collection. He must drink a lot of beverages to get a rope this long. We wonder how long it will be by the time he moves out. Will he take the rope with him?
He’s Not Potty Trained?
This is one of the more peculiar things this person has probably found on their front doorstep. Apparently their neighbor has a turtle, but not just any turtle. This specific turtle happens to not be potty trained. Why else would he need to wear a diaper?

Source: Tmgur
But don’t turtles just handle their business outside? The diaper seems unnecessary. So many questions!
No Way to Make New Friends
Look closely at the passenger seat. At first it appears a person is sitting there, but in all actuality, it is a Jason mask attached to the seat head. I guess this person likes to keep people away because this is no way to make new friends.

Source: Imgur
Whether he wants company in the passenger seat or he is just trying to keep people away, this must be a pretty peculiar person and a very interesting neighbor.
Someone’s Confused
It looks like someone is a little confused about how Santa’s sleigh works. If you crack open any Christmas book, watch any Christmas movie, or even listen to a Christmas song you know that it’s the reindeers that lead the sleigh.

Source: Reddit
This person’s neighbor seems to think it’s Santa that leads the reindeer. How can he see without Rudolph’s infamous red nose? But, we have to appreciate the Christmas spirit regardless.
Girls and Boys
These balconies are a perfect example of the different levels of effort boys and girls put into their home decor. The top balcony is complete with a plastic chair and little to nothing else.

Source: Reddit
Meanwhile, the bottom balcony is filled with its own garden and a lovely chair that belongs to Anna. Can you guess which apartment is home to 2 boys and which is home to 2 girls?
Right Back At You
This person’s neighbor installed floodlights that beam right into their windows at night. As you can imagine, this makes for a very unpleasant awakening. But, they hashed out a plan to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Source: Reddit
This person’s neighbor installed floodlights that beam right into their windows at night. As you can imagine, this makes for a very unpleasant awakening. But, they hashed out a plan to give them a taste of their own medicine.
This person’s neighbor installed floodlights that beam right into their windows at night. As you can imagine, this makes for a very unpleasant awakening. But, they hashed out a plan to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Source: Reddit
We can only hope this was a prank they were playing on them and not an actual attempt to run them out of the neighborhood.
Welcome to Narnia
This person’s yard looks like it is another entrance to Narnia. We thought the only way we could go there was through the wardrobe! But, this yard is actually just a result of an accident.

Source: Avtec/Reddit
They left their sprinklers on overnight and it dipped below freezing. They were left with this winter wonderland in their backyard. At least it’s pretty!
Department Pranks
This neighborhood has a fire station right next door to the police station. Apparently, the two like to play pranks on each other back and forth. And who doesn’t love a harmless prank?

Source: Enemyinme/Reddit
The fire department decided to make a little donut trap to attempt and catch one of their neighbor policemen. Good one!
A Note From Your Friendly Neighbors
This is one of the nicest ways you could let someone know about a potentially very embarrassing situation. It looks like the privacy screens they had on their windows were not working like they thought they were.

Source: Reddit
Someone had to tell them so I suppose a note from the neighborhood is the best way to do it. We’re sure they corrected this problem as soon as they got the message.
Keep it down!
What is the logical thing to do when your neighbor has a turbine that is broken and making a lot of obnoxious noise? You might think the best way to handle it is by having a simple conversation with them. But, this neighbor had another idea.

Source: makenzie71/ Reddit
Apparently, a simple conversation was too much to ask so this neighbor just shot an arrow right at the turbine to stop the noise. You can’t say it’s not effective but it’s definitely not the best way to make new friends.
Missing Goldfish
It’s always sad to see missing dog and cat posters in the neighborhood, but this is the first time we’ve seen a lost goldfish sign. It seems like it would be really difficult to lose a fish, and even more difficult to find one.

Source: Eventualist/Reddit
Unfortunately, we have to assume that this little fishy has passed on because we can’t think of a way he might have survived out in the streets without his fishbowl home. But if someone does find him, they get a hefty reward of 15 cents!
Urgent Alert
We have to be thankful for social media which allows us to connect with our neighbors and be privy to information that’s important for the neighborhood as a whole. But this neighbor’s idea of “urgent” isn’t the same as most of ours.

Source: @bestofnextdoor/Twitter
They wanted to let everyone know that the neighborhood Whole Foods avocados are not up to par. This information doesn’t quite seem urgent but I guess we’re thankful for the information anyways.
The Goose is Lose
We can’t say that we have ever woken up to find a goose in the house and it doesn’t seem like the most relatable experience so we don’t think that this person probably got very much help from the internet.

Source: Dr rockstar 99/Twitter
We can’t help but think that maybe this intruder is a pet from one of their neighbors. Hopefully, they were able to safely remove the goose from their house and promptly move to a geese-free community.
12. He’s Bringing Home Dinner
It looks like this dog is a bit of a wanderer. We can only imagine how disappointed the nieghbor was to walk out to their grill and find the rack of ribs had completely vanished.

Source: Imgur
We can’t even blame this little guy for trying to bring dinner home for the family. He’s too cute to blame! But good on the neighbor for apologizing on behalf of the rib thief.
No Fake Ice Cream Trucks
When we think of being courteous to our neighbors we usually think about keeping the noise down and picking up after ourselves. We don’t usually think about what our ringtones sound like.

Source: Reddit
This neighbor was clearly devastated by a phone that sounded like an ice cream truck. We can understand the disappointment but this is just a touch dramatic in our opinion.
Just Be Neighborly
How difficult can it be to just be a little neighborly? It’s a much better living situation to have your neighbors be friendly than to make enemies of them.

Source: Twitter
This neighbor looks to be drawing enemy lines (literally). How hard would it have been to just mow their neighbor’s side of the grass as well as their own? It was just one small patch. Apparently, it’s just too much to ask for.
Missing Something?
Missing animals are always sad, but we can’t help but laugh at the thought of opening up your door to a missing chicken. We know that some people keep some pretty strange pets, but we do wonder how this little guy escaped the coup.

Source: Rabidstoat/Reddit
At least he’s friendly! We hope they got this chicken back to his rightful home. Maybe they got some fresh eggs out fo teh deal.
Scared or Impressed?
This is one of those photos that really begs the question, “Why?”. Why would someone feel the need to put dolls on stilts in their front yard? Is this the result of a creative mind or a terrifying one?

Source: Imgur
We can’t quite decide if we should be scared or impressed at the scene before us. They do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder so maybe we’re just not the right audience.
Need Some TP?
Neighbors come in all shapes and sizes, but we have to admit that dogs are our favorite neighbors. They are man’s best friend.

Source: Reddit
But they’re even better when they’re being extra neighborly and offering to bring you some toilet paper. We wonder if his owner knows he’s taking their supply and giving it to the neighbors.
A Subtle Hint to the HOA
The HOA keeps the neighborhood nice and orderly but most of us know that they can take things way too far sometimes. This is one such example in which they threatened fines.

Source: kalinkabeek/ Reddit
The Home Owner’s Association asked the neighborhood to hide their trashcans, even though they have been in the same spot for more than a decade! This is their way of sending them a not-so-subtle message.
Mind Your Own Business
This person’s neighbor complained that it was too cold for their dog to be out. While we’re all animal lovers, it looks like they should know when to mind their own business.

Source: seabass023
They sent their neighbor this picture of the dog choosing to lay in the small area of snow instead of hanging in the warmth. Proof! Huskies love the cold.
They’re Not Messing Around
Apparently, an elderly couple put this sign up in their yard in response to people loitering on the bike path behind their house. We understand not wanting strangers hanging out on your property, but they took things a little too far.

Source: srgntpeppers/ Reddit
They are threatening to send their grandson over there to do the unthinkable. It’s certainly a threat we would take seriously. I know I wouldn’t call that bluff!
Passive Aggressive Wi-Fi Names
In apartment buildings, one of the most passive-aggressive ways that neighbors converse is through the names of their Wi-Fi. And all the neighbors can see and enjoy the “fight” from the comfort of their own homes.

Source: captaintyborc/ Reddit
One neighbor complains about the music and the other complains about the grammar. Who do we think won this little battle?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
This family had a brilliant way of exposing the thief who stole their Christmas decorations. They had reindeer on display but thankfully when a “Grinch” came and stole them, their cameras caught the thief.

Source: princessalterego/ Reddit
We can only hope that this man saw that he was caught red-handed. I mean, who steals reindeer decorations on Christmas? Clearly, the Grinch.
My Parking Spot
This lovely neighbor needed to make a point about their parking spot so theft put this tiny toy car with a petty note attached.

Source: passiveaggressivenotes/ Reddit
In so many words they’re saying, “We don’t need this spot but since it’s ours we are going to make sure no one else can use it”.
Sorry Max
We have to admit, in all the passive-aggressive notes we’ve seen from neighbors this has to be one of our favorites because it brings some humor to the whole situation.

Source: Reddit
All joking aside, we know how annoying it can be to share communal washers and dryers because some people are just not very thoughtful when it comes to shared spaces. Max from Apartment 3F handled it well in our opinion.
Problem Solved
Apparently, this person was reported to the city because their trashcans were on display. They responded with this barrier.

Source: sfnorris1/ Reddit
Technically, they are now covering their trashcans but they needed to give them a little gift back. They painted trash cans right onto the barrier that is blocking their cans from view. Genius!
Upstairs Neighbor's Shoes
We have to love a passive-aggressive sign directed toward the neighbors. Anyone that has lived in a downstairs apartment knows the pain from hearing the stomping upstairs.

Source: grey_iguana/ Reddit
A sign like this doesn’t hurt anyone and it makes us all laugh. We do have to wonder if it was effective in getting the neighbors to be a little quieter.
The Walk of Shame
This isn’t the walk of shame you might be thinking of. This neighbor decided they had enough of neighbors not picking up after their dogs. They wrote this sign from the perspective of the dogs.

Source: emily spicer/ Reddit
We imagine if the person who fails to clean up after the dogs sees this sign they will be inclined to pick up the dog poop next time. It’s an effective method.
Know When to Accept Defeat
This neighbor knows when it’s time to accept defeat. What’s that saying? If you can’t beat them, join them. When you have a neighbor that goes this all out for Christmas, you know you’re not going to outshine them.

Source: ceedog38/ Reddit
So what else is there to do than just point their way? We love this attitude. Neighbors are better friends than they are enemies.
Don’t Worry About it, Larry
Most people know what it’s like to have a Larry in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, some people just don’t know how to mind their own business and a nosy neighbor is the worst!

Source: jumpedthenark
Apparently, when anyone does some work on their house Larry has to check that they have a permit. This is their way of skipping that conversation with him.
Kids Beware
This person was sick of the neighborhood kid playing in his yard. It wouldn’t have bothered him if the kid didn’t leave things laying around teh yard for people to trip over!

Source: kristindawn/ Reddit
They came up with this little “warning” so the kid might be a little less likely to trespass. If I were a kid this would definitely make me hesitate before going in their yard. I don’t want to be eaten by a snowman!