This Couple Made an Odd Request After Taking Their New Puppy Back to Shelter
Like many other love birds, this couple had always loved the idea of a happy marriage and a loving family. They knew precisely what they wanted—two kids who will always cherish each other’s company forever.
However, they also understood that wanting something doesn’t make you prepared for it. But, while they weren’t ready for kids immediately, they still craved something as close to it as possible. So, they got Raven, a Tamaskan puppy, to warm their hearts and home.
Everything was going well until they realized they just had to bring Raven back to the shelter. Not only did they drive back to the shelter with Raven, but they also had a shocking request. Let’s find out what it is.
Introducing Vincent and Christina
The couple is Vincent and Christina, and they both reside in Odessa, Texas. Vincent and his fiancee, Christina, had always wanted to get married and start a new family. Only a few things were more thrilling to them than the possibility of this.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
So, when they got engaged, starting their family was one of the first things on their minds. They wanted one so badly and there was no stopping them.
Too Many Decisions to Make
Yes, Vincent and Christina wanted a family of their own very much. But, they also had to consider numerous factors before taking the plunge. For example, they knew how expensive raising kids could be, so they wondered if they could afford to have children at the time. Smart couple!

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
So, Vincent and Christina took the time to ask all the necessary questions. Were they ready to have children immediately? Did they have any more exploring to do soon? How many kids did they want?
Thinking Long and Hard
More than just having children, Vincent and Christina needed to do it right. They understood the responsibilities that come with having kids and they never wanted to fall short of them. The couple wanted a happy and healthy family that they’d be proud of raising.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
After thinking long and hard about it, Vincent and Christina decided that they needed to wait for some time before having kids. Then, they had a brilliant idea!
Testing the Waters
While having kids can be amazing and rewarding, it’s not a walk in the park. Raising kids requires more time and dedication than a full-time job. So, it’s not uncommon for couples to decide to wait until they feel ready before bringing children into the world.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
But, what do they do while they wait for the right time? Vincent and Christina found that it was a wise idea to prepare for their future family by adopting a pet.
A Great Idea
Many couples opt to adopt a pet before starting a family as a way to practice parenthood. That’s because they’ve discovered that having a dependent living creature teaches them many essential lessons about parenting.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Pet parents have to train, bathe, and feed them regularly while also taking them on occasional walks. Caring for a pet also involves scheduled visits to the vet when necessary. These require patience, love, sacrifice, and attention — the essential qualities parents need to care for children.
Adopt, Don't Shop
With the advantages in mind, Vincent and Christina set out to adopt a pet. Since they were clear about not buying one, they visited numerous shelters close to their hometown.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
When they were satisfied with their shelter visits, they considered their many options. At the end of the day, the lovebirds decided to go for a Tamaskan puppy. They named her Raven and were excited to have her as part of their small family.
So Darn Cute!
Raven was quick to adjust to her new home and made one of the cutest puppies ever. She was also the perfect “fur baby,” as she loved to eat and sleep without issues. Raven also loved cuddling, playing, and running around the house.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Although she chewed what she wasn’t supposed to sometimes, she remained the most well-behaved and adorable puppy Vincent and Christina could hope to have. But, the more the couple got to know Raven, the more they realized that something was missing…
She's Got Unusual Energy and Drive
Even though Vincent and Christina were very lively, it was getting harder for them to keep up with Raven because she was always bursting with energy. So, while the couple was excited about Raven joining the family, one thing kept bothering them. How was Raven going to cope with loneliness whenever they were away?

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Again, Vincent and Christina had something to think hard and long about. Luckily, though, it didn’t take so long before they had a brilliant idea, something unusual…
We've Got a Plan!
The plan was to take Raven back to the shelter home where they adopted her from. As Vincent, Christina and Raven set out to go, one could easily tell that Raven felt pretty nervous going back. But, she wasn’t the only one with mixed feelings.

Source: Sasha Sashina/ Unsplash
Christina also felt a little bit anxious as they journeyed. She was concerned that Raven thought they were returning her to the shelter forever. She didn’t want her fur kid to feel rejected and abandoned.
Something's Not Adding Up
However, Christina went on with the plan because she believed in what they were about to do. Although she loved Raven so much, something just wasn’t right when they had her. Christina said, “I had always wanted a dog and a cat to grow up together. It’s been like a life goal.”

Source: Yan Laurichesse/ Unsplash
It was only when Christina welcomed Raven into her home that she knew something was missing. She knew she had to take action.
Say Hello to Woodhouse
Vincent and Christina made Raven a part of the selection team for their new family member. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before all three of them fell in love with a fluffy kitten. The kitten loved them right back—it didn’t want to leave their sight.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
The couple knew that this kitten was what they needed to feel complete in their home. So, they wasted no time signing the adoption papers. The kitten’s name is Woodhouse.
Buddies at First Sight
Haven achieved her goal of having a dog and cat, Christina had just one wish left—that her adopted pets got along easily and fast. According to her, “I wanted them to be able to get along well. [I wanted] her to actually meet the cat and have the cat get along with the dog as well.”

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Lucky Christina, she got her wish! Not only did Raven and Woodhouse like each other, but they were also inseparable—just like best friends.
We Care, So We Share
If you know a little about the animal world, you already understand that dogs and cats aren’t natural friends. So, many pet lovers avoid bringing them under the same roof due to their aggressive tendencies. Not Raven and Woodhouse, though.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
As we mentioned already, Raven and Woodhouse became best friends immediately after they set their eyes on each other. “At one point Raven grabbed one of her peanut butter rawhides and held it for Woodhouse to lick,” Christina said. They truly cared for each other and loved to share.
Besties for Life!
Raven and Woodhouse did everything best friends love to do together. They loved spending quality time with each other, playing, and curling up on the couch together. Raven had no problem sharing her toys and they often enjoyed visiting the park together.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
The pets were never tired of each other’s company. It was a sibling match made in heaven; they made Vincent and Christina the proudest pet parents ever.
Who's the Boss?
Even among many human best friends, it’s easy to tell who calls the shots. It was the same thing with Raven and Woodhouse. Although Raven was much stronger and bigger than Woodhouse, it was clear that Woodhouse was the top dog. She was more dominating and loved to boss Raven around.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Good thing Raven didn’t mind and was always happy to let Woodhouse run the show. She simply came to terms with the fact that cats will be cats and was happy to tolerate Woodhouse’s excesses.
Exploring Together
Long car trips are one of the activities Raven and Woodhouse love to do together with Vincent and Christina. Since the pets already loved squishing together on couches at home, they naturally did the same thing in the couple’s small car.

Source:Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Raven and Woodhouse enjoyed road trips to any destination so long as they were together. However, they loved trips to the beach the most.
Let's Be Models
If you ever thought pets had no ambition, Raven and Woodhouse are proof that you’re wrong. These two pets love to model like pros! They always love to dress up for holidays and take the cutest pictures ever.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
On one occasion, Raven looked like a professional model in her pink bandana. Woodhouse was a cutie as she posted next to her bestie.
Happy Birthday!
Like true siblings, Raven and Woodhouse enjoy their birthday celebrations together every year. On one such birthday, the couple made a wet food birthday cake alongside peanut butter and fancy hotdogs. Raven enjoyed herself with the meals.

Source:Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
While we aren’t sure whether Woodhouse loved the combo, we know she was happy to celebrate the day with her bestie.
A Merry Christmas
The small family also loved to celebrate Christmas. Vincent, Christina, Raven, and Woodhouse have taken many Christmas photos together, and they always turned out cute. In one of the pictures, Raven looked like she was smiling while Woodhouse seemed pretty bored. We understand, not everyone is a sucker for photos!

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Regardless, the pictures they made together always showed that love lived in this home.
Love Like No Other
The story of Vincent, Christina, Raven, and Woodhouse is such an inspiring one. Even though Woodhouse and Raven aren’t natural best friends, they managed to accept each other for who they are and form a friendship that most people find unlikely.

Source: Raven_and_Woodhouse/ Instagram
Raven and Woodhouse are like Vincent and Christina in the way they love and care for each other. Now, Vincent and Christina have two lovely kids, with more than enough love to go round. Only a few love stories are as beautiful as this and they’re all lucky to have found each other!