Cat Brings Home Unusual Litter That’s Not Kittens
Musya, the cat, was no stranger to intense situations—after all, she had been rescued from a terrible fate. But when she disappeared from her quarters, her owners got very worried. The problem is, Musya lived in a zoo, and there are many dangers for a young cat in a place full of wild animals.
The problem is, Musya lived in a zoo, and there are many dangers for a young cat in a place full of wild animals. When they finally found her, she wasn’t alone.
An Unexpected Encounter
Alice, a zookeeper from Sadgorod Zoo in the Russian city of Vladivostok, was on her way to work when she found a clump of dirt moving erratically by the side of a road. As a professional, she knew it could be something dangerous and kept a safe distance.

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She slowly went closer and listened carefully to the mysterious creature in the dirt. Upon further inspection, Alice realized the mound wasn’t only alive, but it was also meowing. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
A Nearly-Frozen Kitten
Under the nearly frozen dirt, there was a tiny kitten. It was so small it must’ve been only a few days old. The poor creature had been exposed to the harsh Russian winter for such a long time that icicles had covered its whiskers.

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Alice knew she had to save the kitty and took it to the vets at the zoo. At first, they didn’t believe she could survive, as she was very malnourished, but Alice was convinced the kitty was strong-willed. They decided to name her Musya.
Proving The Vets Wrong
Even though nobody believed Musya could survive, she proved everyone wrong and became a strong kitty in a record time. The first three nights were the toughest, but Alice kept insisting that it was possible to save the unfortunate kitten.

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After a few weeks, Musya was as lively as any healthy kitten of her age. She was the light of the staff room and became very popular with the zoo staff. Her liveliness brought a smile to everyone who met her.
A Dangerous Place To Call Home
Although Musya was living her best life in the staff room, she was starting to get curious about the world at large. Unfortunately, she wasn’t aware that her home was actually a zoo, one of the most dangerous places for a young kitten to roam freely.

Source: Clément Falize/Unsplash
One day, Musya got her way and slipped out of the door while someone left the staff room. Although she had been outside while on a leash, this was the first time she was outside on her own.
Musya Vs. The World
Nobody knew of Musya’s whereabouts for two days, even though they searched the entire zoo grounds thoroughly. Alice, her main caregiver, was very worried—she thought the noble kitty she had seen grow to become a strong, beautiful cat was now gone forever.

Source: Jarosław Głogowski/Unsplash
Musya could have been anywhere, from relaxing to hunting in a bird’s cage or being hunted in a tiger’s den. It was all very uncertain, but Alice decided not to give up. After all, the zoo was a massive place, but Musya was a smart kitty.
Coming Back Home
A few days passed, and then the unexpected happened. After several days of looking for Musya, she suddenly started meowing outside the office she called home. It seemed like a miracle – and Alice, among the other staff, teared up with emotion.

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After so many days, it seemed very unlikely that she would come back, but she managed to find her way home. Musya was finally back with her usual antics, playtime, and cuddles. But there was something quite different about her—and in fact, there was.
A Sudden Change In Attitude
Musya seemed changed a few weeks after her return home—she wasn’t as playful and mischievous as before. Alice was worried about this sudden turnaround and left the door open in case she missed the adventures of the outside world.

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But she didn’t seem interested in leaving her quarters. The only time she left the staff room was when the sun was shining outside, and she would lie on the floor. Of course, a few weeks later, it all made sense—she gave birth to a litter of kittens!
Another Day At The Zoo
Alice had finished her duties for the day and checked in on Musya and her babies before leaving. But the cat was missing—and so was her litter. She didn’t panic—she trusted that Musya was a smart mother and had just moved her kittens elsewhere.

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But the next day, a heavy storm fell. The zookeepers had a lot of work on their hands, ensuring the animals’ safety. The thunder rolled as the felines found shelter in their dens—all except Musya and her babies.
Finding The Lost Cat
Alice and her peers decided the storm was getting dangerous and took on the task of looking for Musya and her kittens. They knew she couldn’t have left the zoo premises since there was enough food for her, and besides, she had a litter to protect.

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When Alice passed by the lion’s cage, she heard a familiar sound coming from a bush—the one she heard a year ago when she found Musya in a pile of dirt. She could never have guessed what she would find.
Musya With Another Unexpected Find
Worried for the cat, Alice crawled under the leaves and twigs to find out what she was doing. To her complete surprise, she found Musya with her kittens—and eight baby hedgehogs—under her. Strangest of all, Musya seemed to be protecting them.

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It looked like she was trying to keep them safe. Alice went back to the office and grabbed a box and some blankets. She crawled back under the bush and carefully picked Musya, the kittens, and the baby hedgehogs, placing them all inside the box.
An Unbelievable Story
Alice headed for the zoo veterinarian with the kittens, baby hedgehogs, and cat in the box. Upon hearing what she was trying to tell him, the vet laughed—that is, until he saw the baby animals and the cat for himself. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

Source: u/JQuest7575/Reddit
He told Alice that he had never seen anything like it before. After checking the hedgehogs, kittens, and Musya, he confirmed they were all healthy. Alice and the vet separated the cat from the hedgehogs. Then, something even stranger happened.
Love Knows No Bounds
The baby hedgehogs would not take any milk the vet tried to give them. They tried a bottle, a saucer, and a syringe—but nothing seemed to stimulate their appetites. But one day, after coming in to check on them, the vet found Musya with the baby hedgehogs.

Source: carrotsoup/Imgur
They found that Musya had moved her kittens to the same box the baby hedgehogs were sleeping in—but not only that—she was feeding them! Her warmth and milk seemed to get the babies moving again. And Musya seemed only happy to nurse them.
An Unusual Adoption
The hedgehogs seemed to be playing nice and sharing with the kittens, despite their prickly backs. Alice and the vet realized that they were looking at a family. Not the most usual kind of family, but still. Musya saw that the babies needed nursing and simply helped them.

Source: carrotsoup/Imgur
Despite this, they tried to separate the cat and the hedgehogs—but as soon as they did, the baby hedgehogs went on being uninterested in anything the vets brought them. They didn’t just need nutrition—they needed the love of their mother.
What Had Happened To The Hedgehog Babies’ Mother?
After some trial and error, Alice and the team decided it would be best to let this unusual family stay together. Musya had milk, and the hedgehogs had needs. The kittens got their share of feeding, too. Besides, they were starting to get too old for milk.

Source: carrotsoup/Imgur
Alice eventually got word of what happened to the mother of the hedgehogs. Tragically, she had died after being hit by a lawnmower on the zoo grounds, leaving her babies defenseless. Luckily, Alice’s maternal instincts were still on when she found them.
Musya And Her Children
Over the next few weeks, Musya continued to care for her prickly children, and the hedgehogs never seemed to try and prickle their adoptive mother. Alice and the team set up a little house for them outside the staff room so they could keep an eye on them.

Source: Reddit
Of course, the internet went mad for this cute pairing after their photos emerged online. Whether you are a dog, cat, or hedgehog person, it’s hard not to be touched by the story of a gentle mother and her unusual children.