Funny Pranks From Brothers And Sisters That Show How Well Family Can Annoy You
We all love our brothers and sisters but they do have a special way of getting under your skin in a way that nobody else can. They’ve seen you at your highs and your lows. They know your deep dark secrets. And they most likely have a plethora of embarrassing photos and stories to hold against you.
Siblings pulling pranks on one another is basically just a way for them to show their love. We’ve collected some of the most hilarious sibling moments that we could find online. You might even take some inspirational jokes to play on your own brothers or sisters.
Making A Scene On Your Wedding Day
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life that you will hopefully cherish forever. What could make it more memorable than your sister showing up in a T-Rex costume? Apparently, the bride gave her bridesmaids the freedom to choose whatever they wanted to wear to the wedding.

Bored Panda
Her sister took that very literally and decided to wear a T-Rex costume to the event. We hope the bride had a sense of humor about the situation. Or else she’ll be looking back on wedding photos with a dinosaur in them with bitterness for a long time.
Little Sister to the Rescue
While the little sister didn’t mean to, she actually pulled a pretty good one over on her older sister. The 11-year-old was commenting on her sister’s work’s Instagram to try to convince them to give her a raise. After all, what are sisters for?

Bored Panda
Unknowingly, she pulled a pretty good prank on her sister who got nervous when she was called into HR. Overall, a harmless prank. And we love to see siblings who have each other’s backs! We’re impressed that the 11-year-old was so persistent.
Best Uncle Ever
Being an aunt or uncle means you get to spoil your sibling’s kids without bearing any responsibility. It’s the best job in the world! This guy got to simultaneously become his nephew’s hero while annoying his sister. Win, win!

Bored Panda
His nephew loves the new toys and so Uncle Bryan gets brownie points with him. Plus, he gets to annoy his sister without lifting a finger. Isn’t this kind of the job of any sibling? Mission accomplished.
You would think weddings would be off-limits for pranks between siblings, but there is no time that is off-limits for siblings to play a practical joke on each other. The brother of the groom knew that the bride and groom would kneel at the altar on their wedding day.

Bored Panda
So, he decided to leave a funny little note on the bottoms of the groom’s shoes. He wrote “help” across them! We hope the entire family was able to laugh about it and that the bride had a sense of humor. We must admit it is a pretty good prank to pull on your brother.
Baby Photos
Siblings have access to all of the most embarrassing pictures that you would rather forget. They will make it their mission to never let you live down those embarrassing moments from the past.

Bored Panda
This sibling came up with a genius idea for how to remind their sister of a less-than-flattering childhood photo. She printed it out onto a mug as a birthday gift. How thoughtful! Now, she will never be able to forget this picture exists. At least she can laugh about it!
The First Look
It’s bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding day, so lots of couples have the ceremonious “first look” where the groom can finally see his beautiful bride-to-be! But imagine you’re ready to turn around and see the love of your life when you’re met with your brother in her gown!

Bored Panda
Even with a tiara to top it all off, his brother is not the bride he was planning to see. But this makes for one of our absolute favorite sibling pranks we’ve seen so far. Hopefully, their laughs helped the groom shake off some pre-wedding nerves!
A Gift You Have To Work For
This person got their little brother a huge LEGO set for Christmas. While that is very thoughtful, they had to make sure it wasn’t too easy for their brother to open it. They wrapped every single tiny LEGO set piece individually.

Bored Panda
So when his brother opened the box ready to play with the set, he was met with hundreds of little pieces to unwrap. But who loses in this prank? Because the sibling had to take the time to wrap each of those little pieces. Some pranks take some real commitment.
They Have To Learn Young
You’re never too young to start pulling pranks on your sibling. It’s as if kids are born with an instinct to play jokes on one another. In this hilarious example, the little sister decided to steal the stool right out from under her brother.

Bored Panda
She looks innocent, but we think she knows what she’s doing. Big brother looks pretty distressed so we’re sure he got back at her somehow. You never are too young to start playing mischievous games with your siblings.
Ruthless Toothless
You can always count on your siblings to make you smile, especially in the hard times. This lady had a tooth situation that she couldn’t get fixed during the pandemic. You would think that the bright side would be that she could wear a mask to cover the missing tooth in her smile.

Bored Panda
But her sibling had other plans. He made her a custom mask that proudly showed the gap in her teeth. There are very few siblings who love more than embarrassing each other. But if the goal was to make his sister smile, the mission was accomplished.
Chocolate Surprise
These siblings teamed up to pull a pretty evil prank on their brother. They took Brussels sprouts and wrapped them in chocolate to make them look like Ferrero Rocher chocolates. They even went so far as to wrap the chocolates in the classic Ferrero Rocher gold foil.

Bored Panda
Put all together, they look almost exactly like the regular ones! Imagine receiving these as a gift and being excited to bite into a chocolate only to be met with vegetables. Yuck! They should definitely expect a prank war coming their way after this one.
The Moment Right Before The Prank
This parent caught the moment just before her daughter went to prank her son. The kid is looking down the barrel of the hose and his big sister is holding the hose kinked so that no water is spraying.

Bored Panda
But you can see it written all over her face that she can’t wait to let the hose fly and surprise her brother with a face full of hose water. What are big sisters for if not to pull pranks on their little brothers? They have to learn somehow!
Almost A Sweet Gift
This woman received what she thought was a sweet gift from her sister with a little hidden message on the inside. On the surface, it’s a beautiful ring with the two sisters’ birthstones in it with an infinity design. Cute!

Bored Panda
But she couldn’t possibly resist adding a little joke onto the inside of the ring. She got “okayest sister” engraved on the inside just to make sure her sister didn’t get a big head about the gift. These are our favorite kinds of sibling pranks.
This is one of the more creative sibling pranks we’ve seen. This guy couldn’t pass up an opportunity to remind the entire family of the time his brother was arrested so he had to get the mugshot put on mugs.

Bored Panda
But what makes it even more genius is that the mugs appear to be normal black cups until you pour hot liquid into them. Then the mugshot is revealed. This is a pretty creative way to never let your brother forget his embarrassing moments and regrets.
The Key To Motivation
Siblings always seem to have interesting ways of encouraging each other. This brother wanted to push his sister to graduate with honors so he incentivized her by putting his pride on the line.

Bored Panda
He promised that if she succeeded in graduating with honors he would wear a dress to her graduation. And not just any dress! He promised to wear a matching dress with her. It looks like she succeeded and he kept his promise. There’s nothing like the notion of embarrassing your brother to motivate you to work hard.
Toys Not Included
A good brother or sister will get their sibling a toy for their birthday. But a clever brother or sister will get them something more useful. You know when you buy a toy and it says “batteries not included”?

Source: awesome inventions
This is just the opposite. If this gift is for a younger sibling we can assume that they were none too pleased when they found batteries instead of that new toy they were wanting.
The Milk’s Gone Bad
These kinds of sibling pranks make life a little more exciting. The note makes you think the milk is old and it seems like they’re just warning their sibling against using it on their cereal.

Source: shareably
However, they dressed the milk up to look like a robber. Very bad indeed. If this was part of a prank war, we wonder how the sibling retaliated.
You’re Stuck!
This prank made the rounds on the internet and tons of people shared their versions of this pranking video. You set it up like you’re going to show your sibling a magic trick or pretend like you’re going to make something cool happen.

Source: ranker
Have them place their hands face down on the table and place full glasses of water on either hand. Now they’re stuck! Eventually, they’ll realize that they can’t move without spilling all the water everywhere. Gotcha!
Heavy Sleeper
This is what you get when you fall asleep in your sister’s room. The younger sister wanted to sleep in her big sister’s room. Cute! But the older sister was not too happy about her parents letting her invade her privacy.

Source: twitter
So, she chose to retaliate interestingly. She slowly piled bread on top of her sister’s face all while she was asleep. It looks like she got the entire loaf of bread piled and she still didn’t wake up! This is an excellent prank for a heavy sleeper.
Who’s Watching?
This looks like a prank that a parent played on their kids, but it is just too good not to share. They changed the names on the Netflix accounts to reflect the roles that the family members play.

Source: metaweb
The “guy who pays for account” must be the father and the 2 parasites are what we commonly refer to as children. This is a good one from dear old dad and it’s all in good fun. The problem is, the kids can change the account names as well so how will they retaliate?
Sweet Revenge
One of the most common things that siblings bicker about is who’s borrowing what and if they asked or “stole” the item. This is one way to exact revenge on the sister who stole your $20!

Source: wikimedia commons
He made folders on her computer and hid her school project in one of them, essentially holding it hostage. It’ll take her forever to find the project! I guess the lesson is to not steal from your brother, or be prepared for the consequences if you do.
A Soda Explosion Surprise
What happens when you mix mentos with soda? You get an explosion. With that knowledge in mind, this is a great way to prank your sibling if they love soda. Freeze some mentos in ice cube trays.

Source: bored panda
When the ice melts down the mentos will mix with the soda and they’ll be met with a soda explosion to the face.
The Scare Tactic
This is one way to terrify your sibling. And it’s incredibly simple to do so. Print out a scary photo (I would choose the girl from The Ring). Also, print out a hand so you can make it look like someone is peeking from behind a curtain or door.

Source: pleated jeans
If you play your cards right you will have a perfect setup for your sibling. They’ll come home and go to sleep only to see something awfully scary peeking around the corner at them. Another genius prank!
Joining Forces
The only thing better than a sibling prank war is when siblings join together to prank other people together. After all, two are better than one. These men decided to pull a prank on everyone at the Apple store.

Source: pleated jeans
They took different photos on each phone and iPad in the store and set them as screen savers. Anyone who walked into the store that day was in for a big surprise.
Perfect Poses
What we’re learning here is that when your sibling offers to take a photo of you you should be suspicious. This woman wanted a cool photo of her doing some yoga poses out in nature. Should be pretty, right?

Source: soulcityyoga
Wrong. This sibling positioned their sister right in front of a fountain and the result is this perfectly timed photo. We’re still impressed by the yoga pose regardless!
An Uncleanly Wedding Guest
Apparently, this brother promised his sister years ago that when she got married he would bring a llama to the wedding. She never thought he would actually deliver on that promise, but here we are.

Source: DJ117Xx
He brought a real-life llama to the wedding all dressed up and prepared to accompany the wedding party down the aisle. She doesn’t look all too happy for the added guest, but the brother sure looks pleased!
Nicholas Cage Is Caged
We’re not sure how people come up with these creative pranks but we sure are impressed! This sibling thought to cut up tiny photos of Nicholas Cage’s face and freeze them in ice cubes.

Source: pleated jeans
Their sibling will be met with the many faces of the actor the next time they go to enjoy a cold beverage. Points for creativity! Nic Cage is probably one of the very last things you would expect to find in your ice cubes.
Little Brother Gets In On The Pranks
Kids are imaginative, that’s for sure. And, usually, it’s something that parents want to encourage. But when little bro learns what pranks are, everyone in the house should be worried.

Source: bright side
This little brother somehow managed to flip glasses of water upside down on the counter. And he did this with 11 glasses! We wonder if they just left the glasses for a while to avoid cleaning the mess.
The Hostage In A Prank War
These brothers have a prank war going on where they send this skeleton back and forth. One brother will hide the skeleton in the other brother’s stuff and then the brother will send it back. It’s hidden somewhere new each time.

Source: reddit
The poor skeleton is tied up and asking for help! This time he ended up in the trunk of one of the brothers’ cars. We wonder where he will end up next time.
Sister Or Sloth?
The best pranks take some thought and time to put together. This sibling put some real time and energy into their prank. They replaced every single photo of their sister in the home with an image of a sloth!

Source: reddit
As you can see, tons of family photos now display a sloth! We wonder how long it took their sister to notice that their face was looking pretty different in the family photos.
Stop Trapping Your Brother!
If there’s one thing that will get the kids up bright and early, it’s an opportunity to prank their siblings! This brother woke up super early so he could put his prank in place before his brother woke up.

Source: twitter
He turned his brother’s bunk bed into a cage and trapped him. He will be confused when he wakes up and we’re sure mom and dad won’t be too pleased. But at least it got them up early!
Welcome Home
This brother thought he would be sweet and drive his sibling home from the airport. But, of course, he had to add some fun to the usual airport pickup. He made a sign that says, “Welcome home from rehab.”

Source: reddit
Now, if the sibling was returning from rehab we have to ask why he made that information public (to embarrass his sibling of course). But if their sibling wasn’t returning from a facility, it makes this prank even funnier. His smile says it all — he is proud of his creativity.
Have Some Ice Cream…Psych!
When you’re craving a sweet treat on a hot day, ice cream is the perfect fix. We can assume that this person agreed and decided to use that to their advantage. They ate the entire tub of ice cream and saved a sliver on the side.

Source: reddit
This way, when their brother or sister went to have a bowl, they would think the ice cream tub was full just to be met with disappointment when they open the tub. Kind of mean, but still creative.
Where’s Your Sister?
The youngest sibling is almost always going to get the brunt of the pranks. It’s the way of the world! These two older sisters decided to play a prank on their little sister and their mom as well.

Source: imgur
They built this little fortress around their youngest sister. When mom came in asking where she was, they revealed this secret location. It looks like the little sister might have been a willing participant so this one makes us smile.
The Foil Prank: A Classic
The foil prank is an old classic that has been done time and time again in many different ways. But, it’s a classic for a reason. It never gets old! This one became popular in a dorm room in college.

Source: ladbible
But siblings across the internet have also joined in the fun! This person was incredibly thorough when they tin foiled this room. Even the pillows are covered. We can only imagine how long this took to undo.