Surprising Find Made By Woman In Southern California Is In An Unexpected Place
If you stroll around your neighborhood, you probably do not think there’s anything beyond the ordinary. You likely expect to see moving cars and other people going about their business like you are.
That’s why when a Southern California woman heard strange sounds from her neighbor’s yard, she had to stop and see. What she found was shocking.
She Was Attracted By the Sound of Animals
The sound of animals isn’t strange, especially in a busy neighborhood. But something was different this time.
This time, the sounds came from several animals at the same time. Plus, the sounds were like those of very young animals. “What could it be?” She wondered as she drew nearer to the direction of the noise.
Probably The Cutest Group of Puppies Ever
When she got to the sound’s source, she saw a group of some of the most adorable puppies cuddled together. They lay on a raised flower bed.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
Their mother was there with them too. What concerned her was how they got on the flowerbed in the first place, as it was too high for them to climb. She could think about that later but had to bring them down now.
Could Someone Have Dropped Them There?
As she brought them down from the raised platform, she discovered something unusual. “There was a dirt blanket in there, which the puppies laid on top of,” she said.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
How a blanket found its way to the flowerbed was another puzzle. Her biggest guess would be that someone had dropped it along with the puppies.
The Puppy’s Mum Took Several Lunch Breaks
The woman found out that the puppy’s mum was hardworking, doing her best to care for her young offspring. But mama pup needed strength to do the work and food to produce sufficient milk.
Source: Dog Seizures Help Page/Facebook
Luckily enough, a short distance from her puppies lay an open bag of kibble. Mama pup helped herself to some without asking any questions. Afterward, she came back to continue her mothering duties.
The Initial Rescue Plan Wasn’t Successful
The woman decided to rescue the dogs by hand. The plan was to take them down from the raised flower bed onto somewhere safer. However, she had some resistance to deal with.
Source: Participant8119/Reddit
Mama pup was either not pleased with the intervention of the woman or was suspicious of her intentions. Whenever the woman moved to lift any puppy, mama pup would make sounds expressing her disapproval.
Two Heads Are Better Than One
The woman had to call for help. Only one name came to mind, Suzette Hall. Suzette Hall was a popular dog enthusiast in the area.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
She earned a reputation following her participation in many dog rescue operations. She had rescued stray dogs, even those abandoned on the streets, cared for them, and helped them find new homes.
Suzette Hall to the Rescue
Suzette Hall came in later, bringing with her a wealth of experience and a huge sigh of relief for the kind woman who discovered the dogs. Suzette Hall had a much easier ride. “I got the puppies out and put them in a crate,” she said.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
Her only challenge, however, was convincing the mama pup to get into the crate. Mama pup wasn’t pleased with what she was seeing.
Suzette Hall Adopts Plan B
Suzette Hall got another idea. She used the puppies to draw the mama pup into the cage. So she made sure mama pup saw her placing some puppies in the cage.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
But she later moved the pups behind the cage while the mum watched, as there was only room for the mum. Then, she placed some hotdogs in the cage with the hope that mama put would fall for the bait. It worked!
The Dogs Take a Trip to the Vet
Suzette Hall took it from here. She first drove the rescued dogs to see the vet. The dog family had their much-desired reunion at the vet’s office.
Source: Suzette Hall/Facebook
Mama pup, later named Bambi, couldn’t hide her joy in seeing her puppies again. Before then, she probably thought she had seen them for the last time.
The Pups Enjoy A Vacation at A Pet Hospital
Bambi and her pups got quality treatment at Camino Pet Hospital. Afterward, they were prepared for adoption. Until then, Bambi will continue taking good care of her babies.
Source: Camino Pet Hospital/Facebook
Photos of the dog family continue to come from Suzette. The pictures show pups happy to be together, in good health, and grateful for their rescue.