Single Mom Finds Out A Shocking Truth About Her Foster Kids
The foster system may be a sad reminder that there are people who have no other choice but to give up their children, but it also reminds us that there are kind people who would love these kids as if they were their own.
Katie Page is the perfect example, having decided to adopt her foster child officially. This decision paved the way for a discovery she could have never imagined.
An Early Heartbreak
Katie, who was from Parker, Colorado, was just in her early 30s when she experienced a heartbreaking divorce. This shook her entire being, having planned her whole life clearly even when she was still in her 20s.

She realized that life doesn’t always go as planned, no matter how well you prepare for it. Because of this, she vowed to look at life differently. She was a submissive person her entire life, but this time, she knew she had to take charge of her own life.
An Impossible Dream
Although there were so many other issues in her marriage, there was one problem that broke her heart the most. She had issues with infertility even if she was an overall active and healthy woman.

Katie had always dreamed of being a mother, so this reality shattered her. She would often cry herself to sleep, knowing that her dream might be impossible to achieve. But, little did she know that there were bigger plans for her life – things that would make her even more fulfilled than ever.
Starting Fresh
She didn’t want to wallow in sadness, so she made the firm decision to start anew. She began by quitting her job and moving to a new house. She wanted to let go of everything that would remind her of her heartbreaking past.

Although these were good first steps, Katie still felt lonely. There was also a nagging feeling that she was supposed to do something new, something different. She had no clue what that “something” was, so she decided to have her new home renovated in the meantime.
Working With Her Hands
Katie thought creating something from her own hands and ideas would be good for her. So even if she had enough money to get professionals who could renovate her home for her, she decided to take it on as a DIY project. Her mother volunteered to stay with her and help out.

She was seeing some transformation over the weeks, but she wasn’t content yet, so she kept going. She was working on some old cabinets and floors when she got a surprising message.
An Interesting Message
Katie received a lot of work emails, but her eyes zeroed in on a specific one coming from a local church. It talked about the possibility of fostering a child, something she had no clue about. She didn’t know anyone who came from the foster system or who had fostered a child.

Despite not knowing anything about it, she felt a tug in her heart. Her mom told her to think about it first, but nothing stopped Katie from making that call right away.
Diving Into the Unknown
Despite all her struggles to rebuild her own life, Katie knew that she had to find out more about fostering a child. However, people who were close to her warned her that it might be too much for her, considering everything she’d been through up until now.

But Katie knew that there was a reason why she received the message at the exact period when she was going through all these struggles. Her mother was worried, but she showed support by volunteering to be Katie’s companion during her fostering sessions.
Celebrating Mother’s Day
Katie had a full-time job and had a lot on her plate, so she honestly wasn’t sure how to fit everything into her schedule. She knew that being a foster mother would take a lot of time and energy. But she knew she needed to do it.

So on Mother’s Day in 2015, she decided to jump in and become a foster mom. She sent in her application form and all the documents required to process her request to become a foster parent.
Finally Fulfilled
A year zoomed by, and Katie had already cared for four foster kids. Finally, Katie felt the fulfillment of caring for little kids that she thought she would never feel.

One day, a caseworker called and said there was a baby that needed help right away. The four-day-old baby was abandoned in a hospital. The baby had drug exposure but was not going through withdrawal. The hospital had also given the go-ahead signal to release the baby the following day, so Katie had to make a decision immediately.
A New Challenge
Katie knew she had to say yes, but she was starting to wonder how she could make it happen. This was a newborn, and the youngest foster child she had ever cared for was a 13-month-old.

Katie knew she had no other choice but to call her mom for help. Thankfully, her mom agreed to live with Katie for a few months so that she could help Katie care for the new baby. Less than 24 hours later, the baby was in Katie’s arms.
Ready to Tough It Out
Taking care of a child or two is already a challenge. So imagine Katie taking care of a number of foster kids, which included a 13-month-old and a newborn. There were days when Katie wanted to give it all up so she could go back to her single life with no responsibilities.

But she knew she could never feel this fulfillment anywhere else. There was something exceptional in the newborn. Katie felt it was her mission to make a difference in this baby’s life.
A Permanent Decision
It may have been tough, but the joy of caring for these kids made it all worth it to Katie. She had never felt more content until now. She finally felt she was doing something she was meant to do.

Katie was contemplating how far she’d come when she realized that there was something bigger waiting for her. She understood that fostering kids meant being a temporary parent, but what if she decided to take a permanent role? Suddenly, she knew she had to adopt the newborn.
A Lifetime Commitment
Katie decided to name the baby Grayson, which means “God’s grace.” As part of the process, the authorities started looking for Grayson’s biological parents.

Katie remained cooperative throughout the process and even posted an ad to try and get Grayson’s biological parents to come forward. She didn’t want to have any problem once the official adoption hearing was underway, but she also wanted to spare Grayson from the future heartbreak of finding out that no one came to fight for him
Making Things Official
Eleven months went by without any sign of Grayson’s parents, so the courts finally made the adoption official. Katie was both sad and happy for Grayson, but she knew that they were meant to be together.

Because Grayson had drug exposure, Katie knew that she had to give him extra time and attention. There were developmental issues to take care of and other potential physical concerns. Because of this, Katie stopped accepting potential foster kids so that she could give Grayson her complete focus.
Jumping Back In
A year and a half went by, and Grayson was turning out to be an active and healthy child. Because Katie had already adjusted to being a full-time mom, she was playing with the idea of accepting foster kids once again.

When she finally decided to accept placements once again, she immediately received numerous calls. There was an evident need for good foster parents. But Katie only accepted emergency placements for now because she knew she would drop everything the moment Grayson needed her.
A Familiar Story
One day, a caseworker called and asked Katie how Grayson was doing. Katie shared that things were going great and Grayson was healthy. Then, the caseworker talked about an emergency placement that sounded familiar.

It was a four-day-old baby with drug exposure left in the same hospital where Katie picked up Grayson. Come to think of it; it was the exact same situation as Grayson. She said yes right away, feeling like there was something more to the story than she was seeing now.
Another Newborn
Just a few hours after the call, Katie found herself carrying a newborn once again. As expected, the caseworker was satisfied that Katie would be able to give the baby the care she needed, so they approved the placement right away.

By now, Katie already had a roommate who helped out with chores and other matters around the house. This made Katie a bit more confident than the first time she took Grayson. Plus, she managed to care for Grayson before, so this shouldn’t be any different.
A Weird Connection
Katie knew the process by heart, so she started gathering donations like clothes and other essentials for the new baby after dinner. Then, before resting for the night, she decided to take a closer look at the baby’s discharge papers.

Upon closer inspection, Katie noticed that the birthday of the baby’s mother was only a day apart from Grayson’s mother’s birthdate. She called her roommate and asked her to look after the kids while she took a closer look at all the documents.
Physically Different
Katie started to wonder whether the two babies had the same biological mother. The similarities were too much of a coincidence, and the one-day difference in the mother’s birthdate could have been a simple mix-up. The baby girl’s hospital bracelet also shows the same first name as Grayson’s mom.

However, the physical appearance was so different. Grayson had darker skin and dark curls, while the baby girl had reddish blonde hair and a pale complexion. But Katie still wanted to confirm whether her hunch was right.
Doing More Research
Katie immediately got in touch with Grayson’s old caseworker and gave her a summary of everything she had deduced so far. She didn’t care if they thought she was crazy – she just wanted the truth.

She also reached out to the baby girl’s caseworker to get more information, but she was told that the mother actually wanted to fight for the baby’s custody. Katie also found out that the mother had many children, most of whom were sent to foster homes or put up for adoption.
Tracing the Timeline
Knowing that the mother had other children who were put in the foster system, Katie decided to trace the entire timeline and see if it would match. Judging by Grayson and the baby girl’s ages, it was definitely possible for the mother to have borne two babies within that period.

Source: Reddit
But nobody else saw the connection. This made Katie look forward to meeting the baby girl’s mother since she was due for a visit soon. Her only fear was that if the connection was made, she might lose Grayson, too.
No More Doubt
When Katie finally met the baby’s mother, she knew that her suspicions were correct. The woman looked exactly like Grayson!

Katie still wanted to solidify her case, so she asked the woman how many kids she had. The woman mentioned how many kids she had in the system in total, plus how many were boys and how many were girls. She also mentioned that there was one baby boy that was still unaccounted for. Katie felt so much compassion for the woman in front of her.
Suspicions Confirmed
The woman left a gift for her baby and went on her way. But even before she left, Katie was sure that her suspicions were right. So she called the caseworker once again to get some final pieces of the puzzle.

When the caseworker called her back, everything finally fell into place. The caseworker did some digging herself and found out that it was indeed the same woman who gave up Grayson as a baby. The mystery was finally solved.
Meant to Be
Finally, Katie got the confirmation she was seeking. She immediately wondered what would have happened if she had said no to fostering the baby girl on such short notice.

She also realized that the turn of events was meant to be. It was no coincidence that she welcomed both babies into her home. She felt that it was God who made all of this happen. Out of all the foster homes in the county, who would have imagined both babies being led to her?
Puzzle Pieces Finally Complete
Katie named the baby girl Hannah. And to make all their findings official, Katie also paid for the two kids’ DNA test, which showed that they were indeed siblings.

With all the puzzle pieces complete, Katie was finally at peace. She had the thought that this all came together through some form of divine intervention. From the decision to accept both babies to being led to the right evidence, she knew in her heart that this was the way things were meant to be.
Officially A Family
Katie knew that all this happened for a reason, so she decided to adopt Hannah as well. Everyone around her was happy with how things turned out and were amazed by her love for these kids.

Finally, Katie had built the loving home she always wanted. She finally made her own dream of becoming a nurturing mother come true. In the process, she also helped out two kids who weren’t sure about their futures before meeting Katie.
Making Her House a Home
Years ago, Katie had no idea how to move on from all the heartbreaking things that had happened to her. Now, the house she bought and worked on with her bare hands has become a haven for her small family.

She also found being a foster mom truly fulfilling, so she once again opened her home to temporary placements despite being busy with her own two kids. She knew that this was her passion – to help kids experience love and care despite having no parents.
Sharing the Story
Katie was extremely grateful for the blessings she received over the years, particularly the two kids she never expected to come into her life. So she decided to put her story into writing, thinking that it would be something good for Grayson and Hannah to read when they grow up.

Her roommate loved what she wrote, so she encouraged Katie to send her story to Love What Matters. Once the story was posted online, the heartwarming story immediately went viral!
Inviting More People to Care
It truly was a spectacular story, and if Katie didn’t have enough proof of what happened, people would have thought it was fiction. Everyone was amazed by what they read and knew it was a miracle that these two babies were reunited once again.

It wasn’t long before mainstream media discovered the story, and Katie was invited for an interview on Good Morning America. She used this interview to encourage more people to do everything they can to help out, especially when it comes to kids in the foster system.
Another on the Way
Now that Katie is officially a mother to Grayson and Hannah, she finally knows what it feels like to be a mother to amazing kids. She also became friends with the two kids’ biological mom and even helped her get back on her feet.

The moment Hannah turned 13 months old, they found out that the kids’ biological mom had another baby on the way. But this time, they knew things were going to be different. Katie was there making sure that the mom had all the support she needed.