Ohio Homeowner Posted a Series of Videos Describing the “Worst Neighbor Ever”

By: Lauren | Last updated: Oct 18, 2023

Derick, a homeowner in the state of Ohio, shared a series of videos on the social media platform TikTok, showing the world that he had the “worst neighbor ever.”

Though the neighbor was never mentioned by name, Derick tells all the crazy details of her complaints and shows his viewers just what she was so angry about. 

Neighbor Complained Excessively About a Property Line Dispute

Derick’s reports start out by explaining that his neighbor was constantly complaining about his property line and his apparent refusal to honor it. 


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

And while his videos didn’t mention her name or an up-close photo, it was still extremely clear how he felt about these frustrating interactions. 


She Found Derick’s TikToks and Things Escalated

Then, things got a lot worse when the neighbor in question found Derick’s TikTok page and saw what he was posting about her. 


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Derick reported online that his neighbor started threatening him, though he did not go into detail as to what those threats included. 

Terrible Neighbor Harassed Derick in Front of His Kids & Called Him White Trash

However, he did show one video of himself and one of his children heading home along their driveway where the neighbor apparently stopped him to shout at him in front of his kids. 


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Derick told his viewers that his neighbor called him “white trash” in front of his family, and although he took it in stride, it was certainly infuriating to be insulted on his own property. 

She Then Filed a Restraining Order Against Derick

Then, Derick explained, the “Sheriff shows up and serves both me and my old lady TPOs.”


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

A TPO or a Temporary Protective Order, is quite an aggressive move from a neighbor as you often have to pass close by to get in and out of your home. But more importantly, Derick couldn’t understand why she asked for a TPO when she was the one harassing him. 

“Police Got Called On Me, Again”

But that wasn’t the end of it; the neighbor continued to call the police on Derick, complaining that he was doing a wide variety of things wrong, though Derick reports, all the complaints were unfounded. 

Source: iStock

Derick explained in one clip,“[The police] got called on me because I parked my car on my property and somebody’s confused about what’s what and whose is whose. “


Apparently, the Neighbor Was Actually Mad at Derick’s Renter, Not Derick

Essentially, this whole situation started because the neighbor doesn’t get along with the man who is renting Derick’s barn on the back of his property and is taking her anger out on Derick. 


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Derick took the time to explain, stating, “Her complaint is the mess. As I said before, the man runs a fencing company, and yeah, he has some stuff stored back here, that’s what I’m renting for. I’m renting him the pole barn and this back lot so he can store stuff for his company.”


The Renter Has Every Right to Use the Barn as He Is

It’s important to note that while Derick’s renter does have some wood and other building materials outside the barn in the yard, he has every right to use that yard as he is. 

Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Everything is well within Derick’s property lines, and there is no trash build up, it’s simply supplies for his business that are organized outside the barn. 


The “Worst Neighbor Ever” Called the Zoning Board

After the police refused to help the neighbor as they couldn’t say Derick was doing anything wrong, the “worst neighbor” decided to call the zoning board to complain yet again about Derick’s property line. 


Source: iStock

So Derick did the same and told his viewers, “The zoning commissioner who works for the country, he’s pulling paperwork for me and he’s going to get my property lines so that way they’re declared and everything. We can move forward legally.”


The Zoning Board Reports the Neighbor’s Driveway Is on Derick’s Property

Obviously the grumpy neighbor assumed that the zoning board was going to side with her, but the complete opposite happened. 

Source: Freepik

When the zoning commissioner assessed Derick’s property lines, they realized that not only was the barn, the yard, and Derick’s home and possessions well within his own property line, but actually, her driveway and part of her garage were technically on Derick’s property as well. 


The “Worst Neighbor” Finally Gave Up and Moved

After all this craziness and the zoning commissioners report that Derick was doing nothing wrong, the neighbor gave up in the biggest way possible: She moved away. 


Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Completely abandoning her legal battle, it seems that she couldn’t face living next to Derick after such a dramatic few months, or she was so embarrassed that she packed up and headed out. Either way, Derick is extremely happy that she’s gone. 


Derick’s Message to Whoever His New Neighbors Might Be

At the end of Derick’s final video about the complicated and frustrating situation, he speaks directly to whoever his new neighbor may be. 

Source: @d_ferris/TikTok

Derick says, “So this video is for any of my potential new neighbors… Come hang out, drink a beer.. Don’t call the **** cops and the EPA on me. Thank you!”
