How a Chance Meeting with a Stranger Transformed This Woman’s Life
If you’re a fan of romantic comedies or romance novels, you probably dream about meeting your perfect partner by chance and getting drawn into a crazy adventure with them. With so many beautiful fictional stories filling your mind, the reality of dating apps, bars, and blind dates can be boring and disappointing. But what would happen if your call to adventure arrived? Would you be willing to take a risk on it?
These were the questions that faced Zoe, the woman you’re about to meet. A chance meeting with a charming stranger on a train offered her the opportunity to change the course of her life forever. But the problem with strangers is that, since you don’t know them, you have no guarantee of where they’ll lead you.
Read on to meet Zoe and find out what happened to her on the train that fateful day.
A Life of Sameness
Life was an endless stream of monotonous sameness for Zoe Folbigg. When people asked how she was and what was going on in her life, she just awkwardly giggled and changed the subject. The truth was that she had no exciting news to share.

Every day, she took the same train to get to the same office to do the same work for her insurance company employer. The names on the insurance claims changed from day to day, but that was about it. Until one day, she met him.
The Stranger Who Changed Everything
Zoe’s entire commute had become an automatic exercise. She went through the motions, and nothing ever prompted her to rise from her daze and pay attention. But on this day, as she boarded the train, she spotted a face that gave her chills.

Somehow, she sensed that this man would change the course of her life completely. How did she know this from just one glance? Let’s find out what was going on in her head that day.
Zoe’s Instant Crush
Zoe saw all sorts of people on her daily commute, and none of them ever really drew her attention. There were probably people who took the same route as her every day, but none of them ever inspired her to remember their faces or take note of them in any way. Then, she noticed a man who stood out from the faceless crowd.

Unlike the other commuters who were absorbed by their phones or lolling, half-asleep, against the windows, this man was devouring a book. If you catch trains regularly, you may wonder if we mean he was literally tearing the pages from a book and eating them. Thankfully, no – his “devouring” was entirely metaphorical. However, his deep concentration piqued Zoe’s curiosity.
Making a Connection
The man was handsome, with an air of sincerity about him, and from that day on, Zoe saw him every morning. As she watched him calmly read and enjoy the rocking of the train, Zoe couldn’t help but develop a crush.

Over time, her feelings grew to such an intensity that she felt she might burst if she didn’t do something about it. She had to get his attention. But how? Zoe was not the type of person to just go up to a stranger and strike up a casual conversation.
Falling for a Stranger
Zoe had finally experienced the “love at first sight” feeling she’d heard about so often. It was intense and intoxicating, but it also came with a sense of longing. This man was a mystery to her, but she felt in her bones that he was destined to be in her life.

Over the next few weeks, her feelings metastasized into something Zoe could only describe as love. She was convinced that she loved this man, despite the fact that she knew nothing about him, his personality, or his past. She didn’t even know his name.
Hitting the Books
The one thing Zoe knew for sure about this guy was that he liked to read. Though she was a little alarmed at the intensity of her feelings, she decided that her best bet would be to establish a connection via this one piece of information she had about the man.

In an attempt to get him to notice her, she started bringing her own books with her on the train. She would settle in next to her anonymous crush, pull out her book, and dive into it with as much gusto as he dove into his.
Back to the Proverbial Drawing Board
If the man noticed Zoe’s efforts, he didn’t let it show. So far as she could tell, he was completely oblivious to her presence. It was great that he had inspired her to pick up the healthy habit of reading, but if she wanted to get his attention, she would need a new strategy.

Zoe’s next move was to gain attention by highlighting all her best features. She upped her fashion game, took more care with her hairstyle, and put in extra effort every day to look her best.
Nothing Worked
Still, her mystery man remained oblivious. He paid as little attention to her as Zoe had once paid to the passengers around her. In his mind, it seemed, she was just one face of many in an anonymous crowd that meant nothing to him personally.

With each failed attempt to gain his attention, Zoe’s frustration grew. What would it take? She was beginning to fear that he would never pay attention to her. So, it seemed her choices were to give up or become even more determined.
Who Is the Mystery Man?
Zoe toyed with the idea of trying to let go of her crush, but at this point, she was so deeply involved and emotionally invested that she just couldn’t bear the idea of giving up. She’d fallen hopelessly in love, and the lack of reciprocation was starting to wear on her.

No matter what Zoe did to snag his attention, the man was always far too captivated by whatever book he was reading to even glance up from the page. Should she give up, or should she try a new approach?
Doubling Down
Zoe had tried every passive trick in the book for getting someone’s attention. The one thing she hadn’t done was try to talk to the guy. All this time, she had been hoping that he would make the first move, but clearly, that was never going to happen.

So, Zoe mustered up every bit of courage in her body and resolved to do something truly astonishing. She never would have thought she’d have the guts to do what she did, but you know what they say about desperate times and desperate measures.
Zoe’s Bold Move
If you think she simply introduced herself and struck up a conversation, you are entirely mistaken. Zoe was determined to do something drastic, but talking to the man was a step too far. So, she devised a different plan.

What did Zoe do? She wrote him a note, trying to make it come across as casually as she could, given the intensity of her feelings. In this note, Zoe introduced herself and invited the man for a drink, including her phone number to be sure he could contact her.
Building Up the Courage
Of course, writing a note is one thing, but she still had to work up the courage to hand it to him. It took her a few false starts, and on the day she finally went through with it, she almost missed her chance yet again.

The man was getting off the train when a surge of bravery shot through Zoe. She leaped up and handed him the note. Though he was slightly perplexed, he took the piece of paper from her and hurried off the train before the doors shut again.
Mission Accomplished, but Now What?
For a few moments, Zoe felt blissful relief. She had done it. But now what? Now, it was time to anxiously wait for his response. Zoe never strayed far from her phone in the hours that followed, but her mystery man remained silent.

Source: @MfrancescaMD/ Twitter
The weekend passed, and she heard nothing. Zoe was quietly devastated. How awkward would the commute be now? Just as her disappointment was about to crush her entirely, her phone pinged with a new message.
Unknown Number
Trembling with excitement, Zoe looked at her phone. The message was from an unknown number. It had to be him! Her anxiety held her back from opening it until her curiosity and desire finally got the better of her.

Zoe was crushed. He had replied, but the words she read formed a message that conveyed the last thing she wanted to hear. Tomorrow’s commute was going to be a disaster after all. What did the man say to devastate her so deeply?
Unwanted News
The man was very kind and tactful with his words, but that only hurt Zoe more. He told her he was in a committed relationship, so he couldn’t go for drinks with another woman.

The only spark of hope was that he said he thought she was cute. But Zoe knew he was just being kind. He was not single, and he was not interested in going out with her, but he probably would be on the train the next day. Zoe was in for a mortifying commute.
Giving Up Hope
In a way, Zoe wondered if it might have been better to keep her crush to herself. Though it did involve the pain of longing, it also came with excitement and anticipation. Now, it was all crushed and gone.

Of course, over time, such wounds do heal. Zoe got on with her life, and in time, she began to drift back into the haze of the daily grind. She’d had some excitement for a while, and that was enough. Then, out of the blue, the mystery man slipped back into her life.
A New Twist to the Story
Months later, long after the embarrassment and hurt feelings had dissipated, the man contacted her. Zoe couldn’t believe what she was reading. This man was going to change her life after all.

He told her that he was single and interested in going for a drink with her. All those months ago, when he’d told her he thought she was cute, he truly meant it. He didn’t want to cheat on his girlfriend at the time, but since he was single, he thought, “why not connect with the cute woman from the train?”
Meeting the Mystery Man
The two hit it off and began dating. Zoe’s crush was named Mark, and he also worked at an insurance company. As it turned out, there wasn’t a whole lot of mystery or intrigue going on with him. Instead, he was a lot like Zoe.

Every time they met, they discovered more things they shared in common. Perhaps that “love at first sight” sensation Zoe felt all those months ago was warranted. Maybe she could sense his insurance worker aura.
Made for Each Other
In the early stages of her crush, Zoe had done so many things and changed herself in so many ways to get Mark’s attention. However, the truth was that she was already his ideal partner – she just didn’t know it at the time.

They shared the same hobbies, loved the same types of music, and even enjoyed reading the same books. Soon, they became inseparable, spending as much free time together as they could.
From Casual to Committed
At first, the two had seen their dates as casual hang-outs – an opportunity to get to know someone new. However, their feelings for each other developed rapidly. Even Zoe, who had loved Mark before she’d spoken one word to him, was surprised.

Since everything was going so well, they decided to take a vacation together. Traveling with a partner is said to be a good test of the relationship, so this was a fun way for them to see if they were ready to take things to the next level. However, what happened was a shock to Mark.
The Fateful Vacay
Until the vacation, Mark had felt that Zoe was a sweet woman who was strangely perfect for him in every way. After every date, they discovered more things they had in common, and everything always went so smoothly.

Thinking back on how she first approached him, he thought it was adorable and charming. As they traveled together on vacation, they grew closer with each passing day. However, an idea was playing around the edges of Mark’s mind. He had a decision to make.
Mark’s Decision
At first, he considered asking Zoe to move in with him. That way, they could always be there for each other and could make their bond even more complete. However, something about this idea didn’t feel quite right.

They were having a blast together on vacation. Mark was confident that would continue if they moved in together. However, he was surprised to discover that it didn’t feel like it would be enough. Mark wanted more, and there was only one thing to do.
What Now?
Zoe had gotten a massive head start on Mark in the relationship, falling in love with him from afar. However, Mark’s feelings caught up at lightning speed. He knew he loved her, but on that vacation, everything intensified.

Finally, a powerful revelation struck Mark – this was the woman he wanted by his side for the rest of his life. He knew it as powerfully as Zoe had known she loved him the moment she saw him on that train. Mark knew what he had to do.
Back to the Train
What better place to propose than on the train where they had first met? Long ago, Zoe had been the one with a secret lurking in her heart. On this trip, Mark was the one with a love-fuelled secret in his heart.

Source: Pinterest
Mark was just as romantic as Zoe was, just as inspired by the romance movies they liked to watch together. So, he decided to propose to her in the place where her crush had first developed – the train station.
Exchanging Vows
The two wasted no time in getting married. They informed their family and friends, sent the invitations out, got to planning, and created the wedding of their dreams. Zoe couldn’t have been happier. However, the story does not end here.

Source: @zoefolbigg/ Instagram
Most romantic tales end when the couple in question commits to one another. However, real life doesn’t follow such neat narrative structures. The curious among you will be pleased to know that there’s more to this strange story.
The Ongoing Saga
If you’ve been cheering for this couple all along, you’ll be delighted to learn that things went well for them after the wedding. Their relationship went from strength to strength, and soon, they were ready for more.

Like many married couples, they decided they wanted to bring more love into their lives. So, they made yet another momentous decision together. Can you guess what they did?
A New Family Member
Yes, in a truly shocking twist to the story, they decided to have a baby. Though she was over the moon about her pregnancy, Zoe often thought back to those days on the train. Where would she be now if she hadn’t acted on her crush?

With a new baby growing in her tummy, Zoe couldn’t imagine life any other way. She shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if she hadn’t been brave enough to hand that note to Mark.
A Life of Plot Twists
Love is a funny thing. Some people would be horrified to learn that a stranger they’d never exchanged a word with was “in love” with them. For others, however, this scenario sounds incredibly romantic. Thankfully, Mark belonged to the latter group.

From her crazy crush, Zoe had experienced hope, rejection, the resurrection of her feelings, and finally, the love she’d been seeking. Mark then helped her multiply that love by impregnating her with not one but two children. Zoe reveled in the bliss of her existence.
Two Beautiful Boys
Zoe’s kids were adorable little characters, and she loved watching them grow and discover new things about the world. Life was picture-perfect, and it had all arisen from a simple crush that developed during a time in her life when she’d felt decidedly unfulfilled.

With two kids to care for, you would think the story might end here. However, there’s yet another plot twist to the story of Zoe and Mark. Yes, Zoe has another trick up her sleeve, and once again, it has to do with her train-bound crush.
Sharing Her Story
Zoe loved the story she shared with Mark and was excited to one day share it with their boys. The more she thought about this, the more she became convinced that the whole world should probably know all about it too. So, she started writing.

The woman who had been so inspired by romantic stories and who had read books on the train to impress her crush decided to set her own story down on paper. She wanted to share a story of love and hope with the world.
Zoe’s Book
Zoe wrote an entire book detailing her crush on Mark and where it led. As we’ve already discovered, it’s a tale full of crazy twists and turns, including furtive glances, scribbled notes, tragic text messages, and eventually, adorable children.

Source: Tumblr
Mark knew Zoe was writing the book and supported her in this venture. However, he decided to wait until it was published to read it. Apparently, the story left him in tears as it gave him a unique insight into his wife’s feelings about him.
Falling in Love with a Stranger
In her book, Zoe declared that she had fallen in love with Mark at first sight. The moment she saw him, a spark ignited in her heart, and its flame would never die out. Thankfully, Mark was into that sort of thing, so he was thrilled to hear her innermost thoughts.

Zoe didn’t hold back, flooding the pages with her feelings. The overarching message? If you have a crush, Zoe thinks you shouldn’t hold back either. Instead, let them know how you feel. Maybe your life will work out perfectly, just like Zoe’s.
Never Say Never
Zoe’s perfect life wouldn’t have been possible if she hadn’t had the bravery to reach out to Mark. So, “never say never” became her catchphrase – one she repeats in the book.

Source: Tumblr
Zoe’s “never say never” mindset will surely help some people. However, not every crush works out so neatly. A few of her readers will likely be in for some disappointment. But that’s life, right? We all need to learn how to bounce back from rejection.
The Choices We Make
If Zoe had developed a crush on someone less romantic than Mark, they might have found her advances rather creepy. However, she somehow sensed the romantic in him without ever having spoken to him. Maybe it’s pheromones? Or perhaps “love at first sight” is a phenomenon we will never fully understand.

Regardless, it seems that Zoe made the right decision when she handed Mark her note that day on the train. And Mark made the right decision all those months later when he messaged her after his break up. Ain’t love grand?
The End?
We have finally reached the end of this love story, but we’re sure Zoe and Mark have more adventures to come. Who knows? Perhaps Zoe will write another book, this time about parenthood or life as a married couple.

Since it’s time to say goodbye, we wish Zoe, Mark, and their adorable family all the best. And what about you? Do you feel inspired to make a change in your life or do something you’ve wanted to do for ages? If so, perhaps now is the time to go for it (so long as it isn’t criminal). After all, “never say never,” right?