Pregnant Dog Refuses To Give Birth- Only After The Ultrasound Does The Vet Understand Why

By: Lisa Lee | Last updated: Nov 13, 2023

It is highly unusual for a pregnant dog to refuse to give birth. But this dog was the exception. The veterinarian could only carefully examine the ultrasound results. She double-checked to confirm her findings because she had never seen anything like this before in her years of practice.

She knew that the dog required urgent care, but she had many questions about the unusual case. The vet picked up her tools and prepared to take action, determined to help the animal to the best of her ability. But she was unsure if it was in the animal’s best interest.

Decision Time

Chris and Mariesa had been searching for the perfect dog to adopt for a long time. Though they had visited numerous animal shelters, they were determined to find the right match for them. Still, it had been a very challenging process.


Mariesa had promised Chris that they would only adopt one dog. But when they came across a pregnant dog at the shelter, she knew she had to do something. Mariesa felt a strong desire to take in the pregnant dog.


Obvious Pregnancy

As soon as Mariesa and Chris approached, the dog eagerly came closer and began licking their hands. Mariesa noticed that the dog was heavily pregnant. Immediately, she knew that this animal deserved a loving home where she could give birth in comfort and surrounded by love.



Mariesa didn’t hesitate. She knew that this was the dog that she and Chris would adopt. However, they had no idea what they were about to learn. The adoption process would be more complex than they could have imagined, yet Mariesa was determined to see it through. She wanted to give this dog and her puppies the life they deserved.

The Dog’s Sad History

Chris and Mariesa were shocked to learn that the pregnant dog they had just adopted, named Storie, had a difficult past. Storie, a Pitbull, had previously been owned by someone who ran a backyard breeding business.



When it became clear how expensive it would be to care for Storie and her puppies, the owners decided to abandon her at the shelter rather than take on the financial burden. Mariesa couldn’t hold back her tears as she listened to Storie’s tragic story.

Home Sweet Home

Chris and Mariesa were touched by Storie’s difficult past and knew that she deserved a proper home where she could receive all the love and care she needed. They quickly decided to adopt her and provide her with a better life.



However, a visit to the vet would bring unexpected challenges. As soon as the vet examined Storie, they knew that there was something unusual about her case, and they would need to take immediate action to ensure that Storie and her puppies received the care they needed.

For The Love Of Pitbulls

Everything fit in place. Chris and Mariesa shared a love for Pitbulls. Who knew they would come across a pregnant Pitbull in need of a home? In the past, they had rescued other Pitbulls and currently had a total of 10 of these beloved dogs.


The couple didn’t mind giving another pitbull a home. Chris and Mariesa were even grateful to have the opportunity to provide a loving environment for Storie and her puppies. They were more than excited to welcome more dogs into their growing family.


Mega-bed Fit For Large Pitbulls

Chris and Mariesa have a lot of dogs, so finding a bed big enough for all of them was a challenge. To solve this problem, Chris decided to build a giant “mega-bed” for the dogs. The bed measured 7 feet wide and 14 feet long. Its size was sufficient to allow all the dogs to sleep comfortably.



According to Chris, the dogs used to sleep in Chris and Mariesa’s bedroom. But sometimes there were so many of them that it got too crowded. As a result, he and Mariesa end up being pushed off their own bed. The megabed was built to solve this problem and ensure that everyone, including the couple, had a comfortable place to sleep.


Misunderstood Dog Breed

Chris and Mariesa are avid lovers of the Pitbull breed and are aware of the negative stigma that often surrounds these dogs. They understand that there is a lot of misinformation about Pitbulls, and they wanted to do their part to help change that.


Unfortunately, owning a Pitbull can be difficult in some places due to strict laws and regulations. The breed is even outright banned in a few states. Despite their extensive experience with Pitbulls, Chris and Mariesa were not prepared for the challenges they would face. They wanted to make sure these dogs were treated fairly.


Perfect Combination

Mariesa has a deep love for dogs and has had past relationships end because her partners did not understand or support her obsession with them. Fortunately, she found someone in Chris who understood and supported her passion and shared it with her.



Their shared interest in dogs has brought them closer together. It has also strengthened their relationship. It’s important to find a partner who shares your interests and passions, and for Mariesa and Chris, their love for dogs has played a significant role in their closeness.


Having Second Doubts

Chris and Mariesa’s shared love for dogs and for each other seemed like the perfect match. Their passion for dogs only grew stronger as they spent more time together. Still, the couple had to think carefully before deciding to adopt a new pet.


They knew that animal shelters often struggle with limited resources and that not every animal can be cared for. When they visited Pibbles & More Animal Rescue, they were surprised to see how many Pitbulls needed homes. There, they met a special Pitbull who would change their lives forever.


Bad Reputation

Pitbulls often have a negative reputation, which is unfortunate because they are actually a very loving and loyal breed. Many people believe that Pitbulls are more aggressive than other dogs due to their stocky build and large heads, but this is not the case.



In reality, Pitbulls can be just as sweet and gentle as any other breed. Unfortunately, strict laws and regulations regarding Pitbull ownership contribute to the number of Pitbulls ending up in shelters. It’s important to remember that every dog is an individual, and it’s unfair to judge a breed based on stereotypes.


Gentle And Loyal Breed

Chris and Mariesa were well aware of the negative stigma surrounding Pitbulls. They knew firsthand that these dogs were loving and loyal companions. They had adopted several Pitbulls in the past and had never seen any aggressive behavior in their own dogs.


Still, many people held negative beliefs about the breed. Studies have shown that there is no evidence to support the idea that Pitbulls are more aggressive than other breeds. Similar to other animals, a dog’s temperament depends on how it is treated.


Way Past The Schedule

When Chris and Mariesa went to adopt Storie from the animal shelter, the staff informed them that the dog was very close to giving birth. In fact, she was already overdue. The staff couldn’t explain why Storie hadn’t given birth yet even though it was clear that she was ready.



It was a confusing and complicated situation that left everyone scratching their heads. Despite the uncertainty, Chris and Mariesa knew that they wanted to give Storie a loving home and decided to go through with the adoption.


Life-Saving Decision

Chris and Mariesa knew that the situation with Storie was serious. They might need to make a difficult decision about the health and well-being of Storie and her unborn puppies. They wanted to consider their options, but they also knew that time was of the essence.


As they were trying to decide what to do, Storie walked over to Mariesa and placed her head on her knee. The dog looked at her mournfully. This simple gesture made the decision for Chris and Mariesa. They knew that they had to do everything they could to help Storie and her puppies.


Becoming Foster Parents

Despite knowing that taking care of Storie and her puppies would mean caring for a total of many more additional dogs, Chris and Mariesa did not want Storie to spend more time at the shelter than necessary. Mariesa wanted to provide Storie with a safe and comfortable place to give birth to her puppies.



The couple discussed their options and ultimately decided to foster Storie and her puppies. This meant that they would provide temporary care for the dogs until the animal rescue team could find them permanent homes.


More Questions But No Answers

While fostering Storie and her puppies was a good solution, there were other problems that Chris and Mariesa had to deal with. They also needed to find out why Storie had not yet given birth, even though she was overdue. This was a new experience for them, and they were worried about what might be causing the delay.


Chris and Mariesa turned to the internet for information and advice. They wanted to make sure they were doing everything possible to support Storie and her pregnancy.


Stressed And Anxious Dog

It’s common to feel anxious when seeking answers online, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like animal health. As they looked for more information, Chris and Mariesa learned about the ways in which rescue shelters can be stressful and traumatic for pregnant dogs.



They even found a source that seemed to perfectly describe Storie’s situation. It’s important to remember that animals, especially pregnant ones, are vulnerable to stress and trauma in crowded and unfamiliar environments. A loving home like the one provided by Chris and Mariesa can make a big difference in the health and well-being of a pregnant dog.


Life And Death Situation

As Chris and Mariesa continued to research Storie’s situation, they realized that things could potentially become even more serious. There was a possibility that Storie might lose her puppies or even her own life.


Mariesa learned that pregnant dogs who have experienced trauma might become so worried about their puppies that they may refuse to give birth. This can happen when a dog believes that her puppies are at risk and wants to protect them. Pregnant dogs are very maternal and will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of their offspring.


Help From The Vet

Chris and Mariesa knew that they needed to take quick action to ensure the safety of Storie and her puppies. They decided to take her to the nearest vet as soon as possible. When they arrived, the vet conducted an ultrasound scan on Storie.



To everyone’s surprise, the scan showed unbelievable results. The vet couldn’t believe what she was seeing and wondered if there was some kind of mistake. She had to take a second look to confirm if what she saw on the scan was 100% true.


Shocking News

The vet took a deep breath before delivering the news to Chris and Mariesa. She explained that the ultrasound showed an abnormality in Storie’s womb. Chris and Mariesa had been expecting to see six puppies, but the scan revealed something different.


Chris and Mariesa were shocked to learn that Storie was not carrying six puppies, but twelve! They were surprised and overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events and didn’t know how they would handle the additional puppies.


What To Do Next?

Chris and Mariesa were shocked and surprised by the news that Storie was carrying twelve puppies instead of the expected six. They were worried about how they would handle such a large litter. They were also concerned about Storie’s health and whether she would be able to deliver all twelve puppies safely.



The vet had no explanation as to why Storie had not yet given birth, but the ultrasound showed that the puppies were all healthy. This was a relief for Chris and Mariesa, but they still had to figure out what to do next.


Preparing For The Worst

The vet advised Chris and Mariesa to go home and prepare for the birth of the puppies. She suggested that they return for another examination if Storie had not given birth within 48 hours. Chris and Mariesa were not sure what to expect, but they knew that they had to be prepared for any eventuality.


As it turned out, Storie had a good reason for waiting to give birth. It’s not clear what that reason was, but it’s likely that it was related to the health and well-being of the puppies.


Making The Dog Feel At Home

Chris and Mariesa were faced with a difficult and potentially dangerous situation with Storie’s pregnancy. They were worried about her health and the well-being of her puppies, and they didn’t know what to do.



Mariesa came up with a plan to create a welcoming and inviting space for Storie in a spare bedroom. She set up pillows and blankets for the dog to help her feel comfortable and at ease. Chris and Mariesa knew that Storie had been through a lot of stress and trauma, and they wanted to do everything they could to support her.


Hoping For The Best

After setting up a cozy sanctuary for Storie, Chris and Mariesa prayed for the best and hoped that she would feel comfortable. They were dedicated to making the space perfect for her and even kept track of the room temperature and noise level.


Chris and Mariesa didn’t know that something amazing was about to happen in the sanctuary they had created for Storie. They went to bed for the night and planned to check on her in the morning to see how she was doing.


An Unexpected Find

As Mariesa and Chris made their way to the room where they had left Storie, they heard some strange noises. They rushed to the bedroom and were surprised by what they saw. When they entered the spare bedroom, they were delighted to find Storie with her twelve adorable puppies.



She had been able to deliver all of them while Chris and Mariesa were sleeping. It was an incredible sight to behold. Chris and Mariesa were overjoyed to see Storie and her puppies healthy and happy.


Tears Of Joy

Mariesa and Chris were overwhelmed with emotion when they saw Storie with her twelve puppies. They couldn’t believe that she had finally given birth and were thrilled to see the adorable pups. It was a joyful and heartwarming moment for the couple.


They soon learned why Storie had waited so long to give birth. Regardless, they were grateful to have Storie and her puppies in their care. They were 100% committed to providing them with the best they could offer.


A Dozen Baby Doggies

When dogs give birth to puppies in a shelter, it can be a stressful experience for both the mother and the babies. Storie may have been aware that the shelter was not the best place for her to give birth, and she may have waited for a more comfortable and safe environment.



Chris and Mariesa were happy to provide that environment for Storie and were grateful to have the opportunity to care for her and her puppies. They knew that it would be a lot of work, but they were willing to do what they possibly could.


Happy Dog

It is amazing that Storie was able to feel so comfortable with Chris and Mariesa in such a short amount of time. She was able to relax and trust them enough to give birth to her puppies in their care.


This is a testament to the bond that can form between humans and animals. It also highlights the importance of providing a supportive and nurturing environment for pregnant dogs. Chris and Mariesa were happy to provide that environment for Storie. They were thrilled to see her and her puppies thrive.


A Responsible Mom

Storie was an excellent mother to her puppies and took great care of them. It was no surprise to Chris and Mariesa, who knew that she was an exceptional dog mom. As the puppies grew, people began to express interest in adopting them.


Chris and Mariesa knew that they would not be able to keep the puppies for long, and they began to prepare for the day when they would have to say goodbye. It was not an easy decision, but they knew that it was the right thing to do. They were concerned about how Storie would react to the puppies leaving, but they were confident that she would understand.


Up For Adoption

The puppies finally opened their eyes and began to explore the world around them. Mariesa and Chris enjoyed watching them play and grow. Storie was happy to have all of her pups with her. However, the time would eventually come to say goodbye to the puppies.


It was a bittersweet moment, as Chris and Mariesa had grown attached to the puppies. Though they were sad to see them go, they also knew that it was the right thing to do and that the puppies would go to loving homes.


Waiting For Love And Care

Apparently, it was only when Storie was placed in a safe and secure environment that she was able to relax and give birth to her puppies. Chris and Mariesa provided her with the support and comfort she needed.



After the birth, Storie and the puppies remained with Chris and Mariesa as they cared for them and prepared them for their permanent homes. Chris and Mariesa were grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Storie and her puppies.


New Homes For The Puppies

It’s remarkable that Chris and Mariesa were able to locate enough foster parents who were happy to adopt the puppies when they were only ten weeks old. Although they loved the puppies, they didn’t have the resources to keep them and had to give them up for adoption.


It was a difficult decision, but it was the right thing to do. The puppies were placed in their new homes but what would happen to their mother, Storie?


New Home For Mommy

It’s not surprising that the story of Storie gained viral attention when it was shared on Facebook. The inspiring tale of Storie touched someone who immediately fell in love with her. This person contacted Chris and Mariesa to schedule a meeting with the dog and see where things went from there.



It turns out that this person loved Storie even more after meeting her and decided to take her home with him. Finally, Storie found her own forever home. So both she and her babies were in their loving new homes. Storie’s new family had her spayed to prevent future large litters, which could be dangerous for her.


A Perfect Mommy

Despite giving birth to a large litter of puppies, Storie still made sure to give each of them the love and attention they deserved. She was the perfect mother while she was with them. Chris and Mariesa were both proud and happy to see Storie excel as a mother.


She even cleaned and cared for the puppies while they worked towards good health. Unfortunately, the couple could only enjoy the little ones for a brief time before they were adopted..


Staying With Her Babies

The twelve puppies all found loving homes that they now get to call their forever homes. Chris and Mariesa are glad because the puppies will never be without love and affection. Storie stayed with Chris and Mariesa until all of the puppies were placed in their new homes.



Her maternal instincts remained strong throughout the process. If Chris and Mariesa hadn’t taken a chance on Storie, who was heavily pregnant when they found her at the crowded animal shelter, things could have turned out much worse for her and the puppies.


Fostering A Dog

While Storie’s story had a happy ending, there are, unfortunately, too many dogs out there who will never find a forever home. Though shelters house unwanted animals or care for abandoned pets, they often need assistance caring for the furry creatures they take in.


It is always best to adopt instead of shop for dogs. But if you are unable to foster one, there are other ways you can help. Consider checking out your options to see what you can do to make a difference.


Help Out In Any Way You Can

It’s always a good idea to adopt a dog if you can, but adoption isn’t the only way you can help support shelters and rescue homes. You can also donate money or spread the word about the work of these institutions; both these actions can make a big difference.



Although this dog adoption may seem like a small act in the scheme of things, it really was an important action. Not only did this couple possibly save the life of one dog, but of thirteen. The staff of the shelter was encouraged that people will read stories like this and do the same.


The Mr. Mo Project Of Mariesa And Chris

After their experience with Storie, Mariesa and Chris founded the Mr. Mo Project. This nonprofit organization cares for elderly and sick dogs. These dogs often face a high risk of euthanasia, so the couple works to find them forever homes.


The project also covers medical and living expenses. “Fospice” homes also provide care and love to the dogs. The couple clearly put their efforts into where their hearts are. We can only thank and support them for their kindness and generosity.


All In The Family

If you’re considering adopting or fostering dogs, it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t need to have a lot of space to provide a loving home. If you ever find yourself wanting to adopt more dogs than you have space for, consider following in the footsteps of Mariesa and Chris.



They have a bed that’s almost twice the length of a standard king-sized bed (which measures 6.6 feet) to accommodate their many dogs. This is something to consider if you want to adopt multiple dogs but don’t have a lot of space.


“From Our Doghouse To Yours”

By now, it’s clear that Mariesa and Chris have a deep love for dogs. You can see this for yourself by checking out the Instagram account for their Mr. Mo Project. They recently posted a photo on the account with a caption that reads, “Happy Easter and Passover from our dog house to yours.”


This further demonstrates their dedication to dogs and the work they do through their nonprofit organization. Their love for man’s best friend is an inspiration that we hope everyone can follow.
