Couples Recreate Old Photos To Relive Memories

By: Lauren Wurth | Last updated: Mar 11, 2024

While it is impossible to go back to the past, a photo remake gets us pretty close to that. When it involves long-time lovebirds, the recreation can be pretty special. 

It is heartwarming to see two people who have held each other’s hands through life give us a picture of how far they’ve come. Let’s delve in to see some couples celebrate their love with some of the most thrilling photo remakes.

Mom Steals the Show

When an internet user shared this photo of his mom and dad, viewers couldn’t help but notice mom’s elegance. Asides from her beauty, she seemed to have retained her youthfulness over the years. 


Source: AntoineTerreaux/Imgur

This photo deserves all the nice comments it can get. One internet user summed it up by saying, “Your mum is a very attractive woman. Your dad is a lucky guy.”


Dad’s Vein Keeps Making an Appearance

Do you see the line on Dad’s arm? It’s a characteristic that hasn’t gone anywhere all these years. 


Source: AntoineTerreaux/Imgur

Besides remaining visible for years, the vein looks almost the same too. “That vein hasn’t changed,” said another user who was observant enough to notice the long line of a vein that stretched from his wrists to his elbow.

Lovely Couple Takes a Ride Down Memory Lane—In a Motorcycle

An internet user posted a lovely wedding day photo remake his parents made. What was particularly exciting was that the photos were 40 years apart.


Source: magic976/Reddit

40 years of love and friendship is worth celebrating. Plus, as they share a motorcycle again, you can see that the love they have for each other hasn’t waned even a bit.

The Wedding Dress Was 40 Years Old, Too

Wearing the same clothes when doing a photo remake will produce verisimilar replicas. This couple did exactly that—the wedding dress is still the same one worn 40 years earlier.


Source: magic976/Reddit

And that’s not all. It was even more lovely for viewers to read that mom made the dress and dad’s jacket too. Thanks to this couple for showing us that love can last.

Feeling On Top of the World

This couple seemed to have been having the time of their life in this super-cool photo. It was 1988 and the lady was probably showing off her muscles to send a message that “love is powerful.”

Source: Ermagerdrerdert/Reddit

26 years later, she was as joyful as ever, basking in the company of her partner. Apart from maybe the empty park, the man’s new hairline, older-looking face, and reduced love for cigarettes, nothing much had changed. The lady hadn’t changed much, and like a viewer said, “She doesn’t seem to be getting older.”


Love Never Grows Old

It is rare to find friendships that last for more than twenty years. That’s why this couple’s photo caught much attention when it surfaced online. 


Source: minitrr/Imgur

The first was taken as far back as 1991 when they were just kids. The second was taken in 2013 when the childhood friends were still very much together. In fact, they had just decided to take the friendship to another level—after twenty-two years of companionship, they decided to tie the knot. 


A Love Story That Started As a Joke

This photo seemed to show two love birds having a good time in front of a camera. If that’s what you are thinking, you would be wrong. They were just schoolmates who were pressured by their friends to take a photo. 

Source: TokenStraightFriend/Imgur

Somehow, it just turned out like an engagement photo. Maybe it was because they kinda looked great together.


Now They Are Really in Love

Nine years after the first photo was taken in 2010, the duo came back to the same spot for a remake. But things were significantly different this time. 


Source: TokenStraightFriend/Imgur

There was no pressure, plus, they were now actually in love. To cap it off, they were about to tie the knot. This reunion at the lake turned out not only as an engagement photo shoot but one of the sweetest couple photo remakes ever.


There is Love in Their Eyes

Forty years ago, a couple was probably out camping when they took a photo while gazing into each other’s eyes. Somewhere behind them was a blazing flame of fire and white smoke.

Source: CureForHomoSapiens/Imgur

However, as they stared at each other, there seemed to be another fire burning in their hearts. The fire of love. It was still burning when they came back together for the remake—you can tell from the way they looked at each other. 


This Couple Added So Much Fun to Their Wedding

This couple, who got married in 1982, kept the flames of their love burning brightly for many years. From their wedding photo we can imagine that there was lots of fun to go around. 


Source: GanAiden/Reddit

In the reenactment shown below, the couple sat on raised chairs, reaching out for each other with contagious smiles while performing the popular Jewish Hora dance. From the smiles, you can tell that the love they shared was natural. It’s little wonder that they were able to be happy together for many more years.


They Remade It at Their Daughter’s Wedding

The recreation photo was taken in 2014, thirty-two years after the first. But this time, it was taken at their daughter’s wedding. Again, you can see the couple, so full of life, adding fun yet again to the event. 

Source: GanAiden/Reddit

It has been three decades of a successful union—what a way to celebrate it! Hopefully, this will become a tradition that their children will carry on.


A 60-Year-Old Wave From the Backseat

An internet user posted this photo with the caption “My grandparents on their wedding night, and 60 years later.” Isn’t it awesome? Especially as it doesn’t seem like both photos were 60 years apart. 


Source: Imgur

You can say that this couple is feeling forever young, having the moment of their lives. As they sat in the backseat of the newer car, their wedding day must have seemed to them like yesterday. 


"Things Last When You Take Care of Them"

An internet user posted this photo with the above caption. This statement could describe the healthy condition of the car or the love this couple has for each other. 

Source: BlackEyedBroad/Reddit

The newer photo show the couple in front of a 1956 Chevrolet which looks like it had never been used all these years. But what is more exciting is that their love has lasted for decades. 


Forty-Five Years of Standing By Each Other

This remake has to be one of the most well-put-together ever. Almost everything looks the same, from the location to the dresses. They look happier now than they did on their wedding day, which is a good thing.


Source: Imgur

We owe this couple for putting up this work of art after forty-five years. The photo should serve as inspiration to every other couple in the world.


This Couple Went Back to the Woods to Recreate Their Photo

It has been twenty-five years since their wedding day when this couple decided on doing wedding day remake photos. They came out beautifully too. Even though the locations don’t look the same, the subjects don’t appear too different. 

Source: luckyinlove25/Imgur

The wife doesn’t look like she has changed much. The youthful face and body frame have remained. Their children should be proud. 


Then They Took a Couple More Photos

For this couple, one remake wasn’t enough. Here, they have recreated another one of their wedding photos. In this one, husband and wife gaze longingly into each other’s eyes, dreaming of the years ahead. 


Source: luckyinlove25/Imgur

Thankfully, their love stood the test of time. Here they mark almost three decades with a remake. This time, with much bigger and more cheerful smiles.


They Love Each Other And Their Sunglasses

The first photo showed these lovebirds during the early days of their relationship. It was 1985 and their demeanor, pose, and outfits were as lovely now as they were back then. 

Source: DiscoScotty67/Imgur

Fast forward to thirty-four years later, and their love for each other (and sunglasses) is still standing strong. Their photo remake looks as cool as back in the day.


The Prom That Lasted for 20 Years

Looking at this couple’s photo recreation, it is hard to believe that both are 20 years apart. The first photo was taken as schoolmates in junior prom, while the second one was taken as a wedded couple. 


Source: Imgur

The lady still looks as young as she was 20 years earlier. Plus, do you notice that she is wearing the black dress from junior prom? It’s amazing how it still fits perfectly.


From Childhood Friends to Lovers

The babies in the picture aren’t the children of this couple—they are the pair from back in the day. It happened that their parents were close friends who innocently decided to put them together for a photo. 

Source: Imgur

That move proved to be prophetic. Now, the duo – born eleven days apart – is married. Fate didn’t want to leave any room for mistakes.


Forever Crushing On the Merry-Go-Round with You

Having a crush on your childhood friend as you grow up is completely normal. Many kids go through a period where they develop a harmless crush on the person they spend the most time with and who knows them the best. Often you don’t think anything of it down the line or can hardly remember it as you grow up because that’s all it is, a crush. But in some cases, it leads you to something more entirely.


Source: LeviSnuts (Reddit)

Sometimes that childhood crush is more than you think and leads you to finding real love. This couple literally married their childhood best friend, whom they met when they were three years old. Talk about a fairytale, you can’t make this stuff up.


Love Was Made For Me & You

This cute couple already has 70 years under their belt and counting. They decided to recreate their wedding photo at 98 years old and if you ask us it looks spot on. It’s almost like their love hasn’t aged a day. They also look like they haven’t either. These love birds understood the assignment to a T and it gives their whole family something to smile about.

Source: Cao Pangpei (CNN) China News

As you approach your 70th anniversary you need to do something special and this recreation seems to hit the nail exactly in place. Wang Deyi, 98, and Cao Yuehua, 97 are a Chinese couple who got married in 1945 at Northern Hot Springs Park in Chongqing. They grew their family and went on adventures of a lifetime, but they still look like they just got married yesterday, even after four children.


Ring Bearers & Flower Girls Turned Bride & Groom

When you see a cute flower girl and ring bearer at a wedding the last thing you are doing is thinking about their wedding day. The first and only thought is most likely how cute they are. That is exactly what everyone thought in 1995 as Briggs Fussy and Brittney Husbyn walked in Briggs’s godmother’s wedding as ring bearer and flower girl. Little did they all know that it was only the beginning of their Minnesota love story.


Source: Briggs Fussy for ABC News

The pair ended up reconnecting as high school students sharing the same government class and although they only became a couple two years later, the rest is history. They have been inseparable ever since, even attending the same university and tying the knot once reaching their 20s. We home to see them recreating their famous photo in another 20 years.


A Party for Two

Katie Brindley met Joseph Edwards at primary school. According to Katie when she met Joseph at age five he was quite mischievous but sweet and they became quick friends right off the bat. In their original childhood photo, they were at Joseph’s sixth birthday party, and even back then he viewed her as special because she was indeed the only girl there. They sent each other cute notes and had crushes on each other before the other could even put into words what that meant.

Source: Katie Brindley for Cosmopolitan UK

Eventually, they parted ways when going to different high schools and Katie thought he would quickly forget about her since he seemed to have all the girls after him from what she heard through girl’s gossip. As Joseph’s mom was dying of cancer she encouraged him to reconnect again with Katie at 28 which he did and the rest is exactly how a love story should be. They quickly started dating after reconnecting and got married. They share a son now as well and they still look as sweet as ever as they recreated their first “couple photo” of when they were kids.


A Little Love & a Yellow House

This cute couple will surely make you do a double take. It certainly made us look a little closer because it almost looks like this pair hadn’t aged a day since they took their original photo. Their genetics must be out of this world, not to mention their street followed in their footsteps with the colors staying true to their original state.


Source: Irina Werning

We can’t wait to see how the next 20 years will treat them. Whatever they are doing we want in on it, in more ways than one. It looks like they have found the secret to long-lasting love and the fountain of youth in the same place.


An Everlasting Love

The couple, Ron Everest and Eileen Campbell not only understood the assignment but they did their extra credit, recreating their original couple photo on two separate occasions. Growing up together as family friends, their families dressed them up as a bride and a groom for a carnival outing, little did they know this photo would be the ultimate foreshadowing for an epic love story.

Source: Archant / Ron Everest and Eileen Campbell

The original photo was taken when both Ron and Eileen attended the Gillingham Carnival together at the age of four. Fast forward to 1943, they got married as a real bride and groom and have gone on to celebrate their platinum wedding anniversary, that’s 70 years!


Sunkissed Love

Anneli and John got married in Anneli’s home village in Finland. The church they got married in was built in the 1400’s, perhaps a church that old and still kicking is what gave them good luck or maybe it was just how dedicated they were to each other, a mix of both? We’ll let you decide. Their wedding day was truly an international union from Anneli’s Finish family and friends to John’s army friend from Berlin. They then moved to Oregon, John’s home state.


Source: Anneli / blipfoto

Anneli’s dress and veil were made by her aunt from what she had seen in a magazine and thought was cool. It’s beautiful to see it remain timeless, still fitting after all these years just like their love fits like a glove.


Let's Eat Cake

This couple has a great sense of humor, even after all these years as they create perhaps one of the most memorable and iconic photos on this list. Hopefully, they are still laughing and feeding each other for many more years to come.

maxxhock (Reddit) /

Although the camcorder in their “now” photo is a bit outdated, their love surely isn’t. The granddaughter of these lovely pair still admires them and hopes to have a love that is built to last just like these two. We’ll cheers to that.


The One That Doesn't Go Out of Style

This couple decided to recreate their honeymoon photo 30 years later and we are impressed to see that the outfits still fit, just like their love. They are still laughing together even after so many years and their grandchildren are impressed as noted by the grandchild who posted this lovely gem for us all to enjoy.


Source: Aldwick / Reddit

This may just give us all hope yet. Who knew you could restore some faith in love and humanity with just one photo?


A Wild Wild West Kind of Love

On this couple’s first date, they took a “Wild West” photo. They got quite into character and it’s safe to say they had a good time because years later along with a marriage and two kids in tow they decided to recreate the iconic moment along with their kids in true Wild West fashion.

Source: twilling8 / Reddit

How cute are their kids though? Despite looking more confused than in character it looks like their parents have still got it! Their love continues to burn both in and out of the Wild Wild West.
