Firefighters Join Forces With Community To Rescue Zoey, The Deaf Dog Trapped Underground
If there’s one thing that can unite people, it’s a love for animals. And in the small suburban town of Arlington, Texas, that is just what brought together an entire community of people.
A mysterious bark that seemed to come out of nowhere was in fact a pup in need of some help. With the help of many neighbors, this community would make every effort to bring this poor dog to safety.
Zoey Goes Missing
Zoey is a 15-year-old dog that somehow managed to find her way into a sewer drain. Some people in the community had heard a faint bark but they couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from. No one knew that the poor thing was right under their feet the entire time!

Source: community well served/ Pinterest
They knew the sounds coming from the pup were not happy noises. They figured she was in distress but couldn’t figure out where the muffled barking sound was coming from. How could they help her if they couldn’t find her? People were starting to worry.
There is Only So Much Time Before Hope is Lost
Concern for the dog was growing amongst the community. Old Zoey was deaf, so they knew she wouldn’t be able to hear their calls to her, but they continued to call out her name anyways. She had now been missing for an entire 48 hours.

Source: 7news
They knew they were against the clock. And it was so unlike Zoey to stray too far from home. Since she was deaf, she liked to be close to her family because she recognized their scent.
Where Could She Be?
When Zoey was a much younger dog, she might have been known to wander around and was more prone to adventure. But in her old age, and with he loss of her hearing, she became much more attached to the home.

Source: Youtube
She felt safe there. After all, 15-years-old might sound young in human years, but in dog years that is more than 80 years old! She was more fragile now and preferred the safety of her home to the dangers of the outside world.
Gone for 24 Hours
Naturally, her owners had tons of questions running through their heads. How had she escaped? Why had she run off like that? If she stayed close by would someone in the neighborhood recognize her an bring her home?

Source: Youtube
After about 2 full days of Zoey being missing, they decided to report her missing. If there was an opportunity to find and save Zoey, they were going to make it happen. And that faint barking noise let them know she was close; they just didn’t know where the poor thing was.
So Close, Yet So Far
No one could really understand how Zoey could get lost in their small community. And it was so frustrating to be able to hear her cry but not know where she was! They just wanted to get her home safe and sound.

Source: Arlington ISD
Their concern was that she would eventually tire herself out form all the barking. Then, they would have no indication of where she was and they couldn’t even bear to think of what that meant for this beloved dog. Members of the community and firefighters worked together to find Zoey.
There Was Hope in Sight
Firefighters, the dog owners, friends, and community members all searched high and low for Zoey. They even started to look in manholes. Had she somehow managed to fall in one?

Source: Youtube
After hours of searching, the team of dog lovers managed to identify the spot where the barking was the loudest. They were horrified to realize she had been trapped in a drain pipe underground all this time. It was time to get her out of there!
Let's Get Zoey Home!
While the were obviously excite to have found her, this was only the beginning the battle to get her back. She was stuck under huge slabs of concrete that would take hours to get through.

Source: Facebook
It required some really big equipment to start digging for Zoey. They dug up basically an entire road to get to her. All the while, Zoey was crying for her owners. She just wanted to be back in the comfort of her own home.
Community Effort
They thought of alternative ways to get to the wailing dog, whose tail must have been wagging fervently after having sensed their presence above her. Zoey barked louder, with more enthusiasm, and for good reason. Help was finally coming her way.

The group of rescuers decided the only way to bring her back up was to dig down. They weighed up the damage this would entail. More people showed up to cheer them on, showing their full support. They were all on Zoey’s side, so there was no backing out of the rescue, no matter how much damage it would cause to the road.
Help from Unexpected Places
As the firefighters pierced the pavement, first with concrete saw blades, later on with drills and an excavator, concerned neighbors looked on around them. Once in a while, in the collective, a person would check his watch, anxious about the time it would take to get things done.

This child decided to approach one of the rescuers with his skateboard. He offered his protective gear to them, thinking this could help them ease Zoey out of the pipe. This sweet gesture is no different from a child offering his piggy bank in a financially dire situation. The whole community truly wanted to help.
A Heartwarming Act
The rescue team worked tirelessly to get the job done. It was getting dark, but the enthusiasm of the supportive crowd inspired them. The child who gave them his skateboard and offered to help warmed their hearts.

Each time they felt exhaustion creeping in, they would feel the crowd’s passion and enthusiasm and allow it to renew their vigor. They were all bound together for a noble cause. Police officer Kristi Weil knew she was seeing something meaningful unraveling before her eyes.
A Coalition of First Responders
During the long waiting hours, alone in the dark, it’s not hard to imagine Zoey feeling ostracized from society and finding no justice in that. This led her to bark and claw against the walls for survival until she began to give up, fearing that she had been forgotten.

In reality, she was far from being abandoned. If only she knew that a combination of emergency responders were all doing what they could to reach her. There were firefighters, paramedics, the police, her masters, and their friends.
Strategic Calculations
As the rescue team continued to drill into the solid pavement, different strategic plans continued to be studied by various first responders. Ironically, none of them had ever experienced rescuing a pet on a similar scale. They had to be careful and make sure the steps they took were properly calculated.

They attempted a variety of approaches but eventually backed off, deciding that these angles were unfeasible. It was risky, and they did not want all their efforts to go in vain. They were also time-pressured as the dog had already been trapped for days.
A Real-Time Inspection of Zoey
There was the possibility of causing infrastructure damage that could eventually hurt their objective if things weren’t done with proper care. So much was involved, and engineers had to be consulted on the fly. It was a more precarious situation than most of them had anticipated.

Quest Plumbing
Thanks to their various specializations, someone suggested that they insert a minute camera inside the pipe to get more valuable data. That way, they would know they were performing the right steps. This brilliant idea also gave them the chance to check on Zoey’s condition.
Confirmation That Zoey Was Alive
The crew inserted an endoscopic camera into the storm drain and carefully explored the subterranean pipes with the help of a pre-installed miniature flashlight. The camera snaked around the curvatures of the pipe, feeding images to a square monitor that held the attention of everyone up on the surface.

They finally saw Zoey and confirmed she was alive. If only they could give her a message of assurance. But time was running out. What if it rained? She would drown down there if they didn’t get her out in time.
Using Heavy Equipment
Having gathered sufficient data and measurements that revealed Zoey’s exact location, they were able to be more precise in their planning. This was all thanks to modern technology that gave them eyes below the ground. This would have been impossible had this accident happened decades ago.

Heavy equipment was called in to crush the solid barrier. Although deaf, Zoey must have felt the excavator’s heavy blows above her. Everyone knew the poor pup would be terrified, but the only thing her well-wishers could do was watch and pray for her safety.
On the Double
The case of the missing dog had captivated the neighborhood. However, no one suspected that the story would end with a road being torn up by heavy machinery. Now that the exact spot was being worked on, their next fear was centered on failing to get there in time to save Zoey.

The thick concrete was not easy to break through, and they would have to go further below once that layer had been dug up. They looked to the sky and nervously prayed that the rain would stay away.
Going All Out to Save Zoey
Zoey was so close that they could hear her whimpering, yet so far out of reach. Inspired by the child’s offering of his skateboard, everybody else brainstormed and thought of ways to help, of things they could offer that might alleviate the challenge of getting through to save the old dog.

The community went all out to save Zoey. It was a collective effort, physically and spiritually. They utilized every possible resource that was available to them, and as every moment passed, their hearts beat for the deaf dog.
A Sweet Rescue Dog
Their hearts sang in unison for Zoey, who was a rescue dog taken in by her owners Brennan and Andrea after they met her in a shelter in Oklahoma. They were newlyweds when they adopted her, fifteen years ago. Zoey was their first baby girl.

The couple now has three children of their own. They all watched with concern and furrowed brows as the firefighters scrambled to save the mid-size labrador mix they grew up with and love so much.
How She Got Out
Brennan and Andrea’s eyes welled up as they recounted how Zoey may have gotten out of their property unnoticed. The back gate’s latch had not been tightly fitted when their dogs were playing around the backyard on a Thursday night.

A quick review from their Ring camera revealed the pair returning to the lot and going out again. Andrea, their other dog, was safe. However, black-haired Zoey was not around when they came home, prompting all sorts of awful thoughts to assault their frantic minds.
Troubled By Their Dog’s Absence
The three girls panicked when they found out that Zoey was not around and that the back gate had been left ajar. The family was always overprotective of their deaf dog, especially since she was now fifteen years of age. They understood her vulnerability, so they instantly started thinking the worst.

They imagined her crossing a street somewhere and getting hit by an automobile. She could be lying out there somewhere, injured and alone, wondering why they weren’t there. This was, of course, before they started to hear her bark ringing through the neighborhood, seemingly from nowhere.
The Unbearable Thought of Her Dying
Zoey was the couple’s first baby girl – a dog they rescued when they were just married. So, they worried about her physical condition the way parents naturally would when a child is accidentally lost. They could only hope this wasn’t forever, that they would be able to hold her in their arms again.

They fought wicked thoughts of a possible violent death, which became increasingly uncontrollable in their fraught silence. The couple relied on each other for hope and emotional strength, inviting positive thoughts of Zoey somehow being all right wherever she was.
Helpless and Heartbroken
Brennan and Andrea felt helpless all this time, not knowing what to do or how to appease their young daughters, who felt like they’d lost a sister. They held onto each other to focus on positive thoughts. While waiting for updates on the case, they thought of how much Zoey meant to them all these years.

Little did they know that her disappearance would unite their small community. The family was surprised by how many people came over to offer help in various forms.
Finding the Pipe Where Zoey Was Stuck
Nighttime finally came, blanketing the excavation site with darkness. Some of the crew were instructed to install portable lighting around the site and on the heavy equipment. After hours of pounding the concrete, they finally spotted the storm drain pipe where Zoey was stuck.

The yellow glare of the lights on the earth gave the impression that they had struck gold on a treasure site, but the real treasure could be lost anytime now. Zoey was tired and hungry. Nobody knew how much longer she could take it down there.
Another Obstacle
News that they had finally found the pipe was celebrated among the group of well-wishers. However, this discovery also presented the next obstacle they had to surmount before the poor old dog could finally be saved.

It was impossible to tell if her fall had caused her any injuries, but it was a high likelihood because of her age. That, coupled with the lack of oxygen and the heat down there, could cause her lungs to collapse. Zoey had also been deprived of proper nutrition for so long.
Help Came in Many Forms
By the time the crew found and attempted to access the pipe, it was already getting late in the evening, so there was no time to pause for a break. Friends of the couple came forward to talk a little to cheer them up. Everyone was hopeful now as they watched the firefighters carefully work on accessing the pipe.

People donated pizza and other forms of nourishment to keep the rescuers going. New batches of refreshments kept coming, and neighbors continually came over to ask if anything was needed. Everyone wanted to know if there was something they could do to help.
Cutting the Heavy-Duty Steel
The rescue team dug up the surrounding mud until the tubular steel revealed itself like an old, buried rocket. They cut the thick heavy-duty steel with metal cutters, a reciprocating saw, and tough grinders, forging on into the night, unwilling to accept defeat.

It took another hour or so before a slit was faintly noticed on the browned surface of the carbon steel. They worked harder on this small opening, if only so a ray of light and a whiff of fresh air might reach and caress Zoey’s face.
Lifting the Cover
The steel pipe was at least a few inches thick, well-designed to handle strong water pressure if floods arose during a major downpour. However, with unwavering determination, the technical crew managed to cut through a sufficient portion of the pipe. The time had come to get the dog out of its accidental prison.

They needed an excavator to take over and hoist open the cut-out layer of metal as it was too heavy for them to pick up by hand. They stepped back and watched the machine do its job.
Drum Roll Moment
For roughly twelve hours, a coalition of various first responders had come together, shared ideas, and toiled to save the life of an old dog trapped in the dark. They endured all sorts of challenges to get to this point, using some resources for the first time and learning from the situation as it unfolded.

It all came down to this drum roll moment when the excavator lifted away the top of the pipe, removing the final barrier to Zoey’s safety and freedom.
Another Disappointment
The thick metal layer was hoisted up, revealing, as the spotlights shone brightly on the excavated site, a tubular cavity. There was nothing there to see at the spot they had been working on all day. It was as if Zoey, whose cries they had heard all day, had vanished into thin air.

A careful examination left them with the awful conclusion that their measurements had been inaccurate. They had broken through in the wrong spot. The dog was trapped a little deeper inside.
Calculated Risk
The rescue team had never worked on a case like this before, and they had surmounted many challenges to get to the final phase. They didn’t want to make any more mistakes, so they took the time to analyze, calculating the risks this final move entailed.

They measured the diameter of the pipe to see if it was possible to send a person in, perhaps a smaller guy who could sneak in with minimal snags. They also had to consider Zoey’s physical and emotional state.
The Final Stretch
A brainstorming session involving the different responder groups led to the decision that someone would have to go into the pipe. They had come this far – they couldn’t give up after having missed the target by a few feet. Whether Zoey would be willing to come out with a stranger, nobody knew.

The long and narrow pipe was partially lit by construction lamps, but this did not illuminate the spot where the dog was trapped. This was going to be a claustrophobic trip into a practically unknown space.
Going in on All Fours
A brave rescuer came forward and volunteered to go on all fours through the storm drain – a narrow vein in a system of subterranean structures – and bring Zoey out. To get there, one would have to slide in and out of the muck, and who knows what creatures could be lurking inside.

As luck would have it, the skateboard offered by the child earlier in the day came in handy. Lying on his belly, careful not to scrape his elbows and knees, the rescuer crept into the darkness of the storm pipe.
Not Wide Enough
The diameter of the pipe wasn’t wide enough to accommodate both the volunteer and the dog if they were bundled together on their way back. Zoey may be too frightened to come out on her own, unwilling to go along with an unfamiliar face, looking bizarre with a helmet, a mask, and other devices attached.

Again, they tried to call her out even though they knew she was deaf. As expected, there was no response. Was it too late to save Zoey? The spectators gathered around closer, every person subconsciously holding their breath.
A Providential Tool
The physical limitations of the pipe made it impossible for a rescuer to grasp the dog and bring her back out. She would have to come out by choice. A short trip toward their objective would entail utmost care and patience, plus a lot of wriggling with a few scrapes against the curved walls.

The plan was to use the skateboard, hoping that the dog could be towed to safety on it. They were hoping Zoey wouldn’t resist and slide farther back into the darkness. This was a plan worth trying. They knew they had to do something, or it would be too late.
The End of the Mission
The smallest rescuer was chosen to go inside and negotiate Zoey’s extraction. It involved a few intense minutes as community members watched on from above in a circle, and co-rescuers below monitored their companion’s progress. They tried to be ready for possible contingencies while silently praying that everything would turn out well.

Finally, the rescuer’s boots could be seen coming out of the tube, followed by his slender figure. The crowd was jubilant at the sight of Zoey in tow, seemingly smiling back at them with her graying muzzle.
A Positive Turn of Events
Over the two days that the dog had been missing, her owners had imagined the worst. Not only was she a beloved family pet, but she was also old and deaf. She could have been hit by a vehicle or gotten hopelessly lost. Brennan and Andrea could not believe where the experience ended up taking them.

Zoey was finally safe again, and they could not wait to embrace her. The crowd cheered on, showering the rescue team with applause for a job well done. This had become a communal event.
Zoey’s Health Condition
The next goal was to determine the old dog’s health condition now that she was back in their shelter and protection. Zoey didn’t behave like she had dislocated or broken a bone when she was lifted up. She looked up but didn’t jolt or shriek when her extremities were held.

The medics worked on Zoey, who must have been terribly tired and famished after being lost for two days. Everyone present agreed that it was a heartrending sight. At least she was safe, albeit with bleary eyes.
First Aid and Medical Tests
Witnesses to her harrowing experience continued with their prayers. Medics rushed in to check her physical condition, ready with their first aid kits. Will Zoey make it? That was the concern on everyone’s mind now that they had her, safe from external stress for the first time in two days.

Her aged body might give in due to lack of oxygen or to an unknown injury from the fall. She also might have developed an illness from the hazards of being trapped underground. They carefully examined her.
Laid on a Stretcher
Results from the initial tests seemed okay, but they were still inconclusive. They needed to conduct a more comprehensive examination of her, including more insight into her psychological state. All eyes were on Zoey, who had become something of a celebrity dog overnight. The medics gently placed her frail body on a stretcher.

They contacted a local vet to see if they could take Zoey to the clinic for an emergency check-up. The vet agreed to perform a detailed examination. Everyone’s prayers shifted – they now hoped with all their hearts that she was out of the woods.
Handled with Care
When they carried the stretcher inside the ambulance, they wondered if Zoey would react negatively to the enclosed space. She smelled awful, still grimy from the storm drain, but she was handled with the utmost care and affection by the medics.

In a subsequent interview, some of the workers shared how much they learned from the experience. They said that they’d never carried a dog in an ambulance in an emergency. They feel better prepared for unexpected events after what they went through.
Zoey’s Recuperation
The vets who agreed to receive Zoey in an emergency situation were surprised when they saw their patient arrive in an ambulance. The dog lapped up the liquids they served her in a bowl, and they nourished her with food and vitamins.

The vets were soon able to confirm with Zoey’s owners that she didn’t suffer any injury from her fall. The couple was delighted to hear the good news, and the doctors were just as glad that the fifteen-year-old dog was responding well to their treatment and starting to liven up.
No Major Injuries Suffered
Considering the agony of being trapped in the sewer for two days with no food or proper ventilation, the doctors were happy to report that Zoey suffered no life-threatening injuries or resultant illnesses. She was exhausted and sleep-deprived but was otherwise surprisingly healthy.

It wasn’t long before this old labrador would receive an official clean bill of health, and soon, she would be jumping into the arms of her family, who had been worried sick for days and missing her so badly.
Welcoming Back Zoey
Zoey sat in the middle of the back seat of the family car when they returned home. Somehow, she knew she had been given this treatment before. A sense of deja vu also struck her owners as they remembered taking her home as their first baby. This time, Zoey was embraced by three other kids while another dog waited for her at home.

As it turns out, their other dog wasn’t the only one waiting for them when they got home. Neighbors waited to welcome them outside, eager to see Zoey healthy again. There was an outpouring of love for the old dog, who was finally safe and well again.
A Second Chance
They couldn’t imagine what would have happened had it rained while Zoey was down in the sewer. They were infinitely grateful that those days were dry, and the only flood that swept their home and the community was that of love and a sense of unity.

Zoey reciprocates this love any chance she gets. Often, when she goes on walks with her owners, neighbors call out to her, gesturing to say hello. Though she doesn’t hear a word they say, she senses the language of the heart.