Man Saves Helpless Kitten After Mother Abandons Her
When Alan found a 30-day-old calico kitten abandoned by her mother, he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. The runt of the litter, she was too weak to survive on her own.
Could Alan provide the care and attention she needed to make it? Or would this kitten become another heartbreaking statistic? Find out what happened when Alan welcomed this miracle of love into his home.
A Calico Kitten's Unexpected Journey
With the arrival of summer, a tiny calico kitten found herself alone, abandoned by her own mother. Though feral cats have strong maternal instincts, her mom had a large litter, and this little calico was too small and weak to compete for their much-needed nourishment.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Luckily, a kindhearted individual noticed the kitten’s struggles and gave her a second chance, rescuing her from the harsh realities of the wild. From that day forward, the calico was welcomed into a loving home and given the care and attention she deserved.
Left Alone, A Dwindling Kitten Finds Her Luck
Abandoned and alone, the calico kitten was the runt, too small to survive without her mother’s care. But luck was on her side. Crying for help, she was soon found and rescued from her desolate fate.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
As the mother cat sought to provide for her healthy kittens, this fragile calico had been left behind. With no siblings to keep her company, she had been utterly abandoned, her future uncertain. Fortunately, a stroke of luck saved her from a premature end.
A Tiny Kitten Finds Her Forever Home
When Alan encountered the scrawny little calico, he just knew he had to take her in. She was the tiniest thing he’d ever seen and her mother had just left her. He was determined to give her the best care possible, so he got her food, toys, and a bed.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
To Alan’s surprise, the kitten instantly took to him and clung to him wherever he went. She even fell asleep at his feet! Despite being unprepared for handling a newborn kitten, Alan was sure she’d found a forever home with him.
A Homeless Kitten Finds a Home and a Name
When Alan found the scruffy, malnourished kitten on the street one day, he was immediately struck by her bulging blue eyes, which reminded him of Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones. Her patches of ginger fur resembled the actress’s auburn hair.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
He knew he had to take her home and give her a name. He decided to call her Sansa, after the character in the show. Sansa the kitten was not a princess like the character in the books and show, but she was now home, safe and warm.
Alan Takes in a Kitten Too Young to be Without Her Mother
When Alan brought Sansa the tiny kitten home, he posted photos on Imgur, only to be met with concern from users who knew about cats. One commenter pointed out that Sansa was only 32 days old and needed to stay with her mother until she was 10 weeks.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Without her mother’s milk, would Alan have the necessary supplies to care for the kitten? Alan had a big task ahead of him, but he was determined to give Sansa the care and love she needed.
Saving a Malnourished Kitten: Alan's Story
Alan had a difficult task on his hands when he took in the malnourished Sansa. After he updated Imgur, several users encouraged him to take her to the vet. They warned him that kittens this small often develop worms, feline distemper, and even immunodeficiency viruses.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Alan did the right thing and made sure Sansa was vaccinated for all possible illnesses. Now, the challenge was to make sure she stayed healthy – but she wouldn’t even eat! Alan was determined to do whatever it took to keep the little kitty safe.
Alan Learns the Hard Way The Importance of Proper Kitten Nutrition
When Alan posted on Imgur that he had left his kitten with only kibble, water, and toys, he was taught an important lesson. Most people don’t realize that kittens need a balanced diet of proteins and calcium to develop properly.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Unfortunately, regular adult cat food doesn’t provide enough of these vital nutrients. Alan had assumed he was doing the right thing, but it turns out he had a lot to learn. Thankfully, the Imgur community was there to give him the advice he needed.
Becoming a Feline Foster Carer
When Alan took in Sansa, the adorable calico, he quickly noticed that she wasn’t eating. After some advice from Imgur commenters, Alan realized that Sansa was too young to eat solid food. He also discovered that kittens need very special care; they can’t drink cow’s milk and need help to feed themselves.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Alan had to take on the role of Sansa’s mother and provide the care and attention that she needed. Little did he know that providing foster care for kittens would require much more than he had initially anticipated!
Caring for a Precious Kitten: Alan's Story
When Alan first found little Sansa, she was so small and weak she needed him to make a special milk mix and feed her with a syringe. He had to bottle-feed her every couple of hours, and he was alerted by Imgur users that she couldn’t retain body heat.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
So, Alan made sure she was always cuddled up and warm in plenty of blankets in her bed. With his loving care, Sansa was starting to gain strength and develop nicely.
A Cat's Social Development
Alan was sure of one thing – he had to pick up and feed his new cat, Sansa, every day. He didn’t know it at the time, but this care would be the key to a more social and friendly future for the kitten.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Cats are incredibly social animals and require human interaction, especially from a young age, to develop their sense of security and playfulness. Had Alan not taken the time to bond with Sansa, she could have become an aggressive and isolated cat, but thankfully his commitment paid off.
A Miraculous Transformation: Sansa's Journey to Health
After a few weeks of bottle feeding, Sansa’s strength and energy began to soar. With the help of Alan’s online advisers, he was able to give her the protein-rich kitten formula she needed. Sansa’s once frail body filled out and she had the energy to explore her new home.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Now able to eat solid food, Alan cooked up some delicious scrambled eggs to give her the healthy fats her body was craving. Thanks to Alan’s dedication, Sansa went from skin and bones to a healthy, happy kitty.
A Home of Her Own: Sansa's Story
Sansa had been half the size of Alan’s foot when they first met. And before long, the tiny kitten had become infatuated with her new caretaker. She constantly followed him around the house, snuggling up at his feet and purring whenever he was near.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Alan knew Sansa needed more than just toys to keep her entertained, so he dedicated an entire room to her. Now, with Alan being her only source of entertainment, there was no way Sansa was ever going to let him be!
Sansa's Adaptation to Home Life
Sansa was quickly growing up and adapting to her new home life. She explored all sorts of amusing activities, including cardboard boxes Alan had set up for her, rummaging through the trash, and playing with toys that were not for her as well!

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
There was still one important lesson to learn however, how to use the litter box. Although Alan had already bought her one, it took a few months before Sansa was ready for it. Thankfully, she was well on her way to mastering this new skill!
Taming the Wild Kitten
Alan was faced with a difficult challenge when his beloved kitten, Sansa, started to grow up. As her teeth and claws sharpened, she began to bite and scratch him whenever she played. With no other kittens to play with, Alan was at a loss for what to do.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Again he turned to the online world and his friends for help. “She [began] to bite me,” he wrote on Imgur. “Need a way to stop [her] from doing that.” Alan was determined to find a way to tame his wild kitten.
Alan Nurtures Sansa: A Kitten's Journey to Adulthood
Alan had a plan to ensure Sansa, his beloved kitten, grew up to be a strong and healthy adult. After much praise from fellow Imgur users, Alan followed their instructions – from making a high-pitched yelp to signal when Sansa’s playing got too rough, to investing in a scratch post.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Sure enough, Alan’s efforts paid off and Sansa’s rough play became more manageable. Today, Sansa is almost unrecognizable from the tiny kitten she once was – a testament to Alan’s loving care and dedication!
Sansa's Eye Color Transformation: A Sign of Growth and Health!
Sansa, aptly named for her huge blue eyes, had a remarkable transformation as she grew older. By the time she reached 50 days old, her eyes had changed from blue to a beautiful yellow-green hue.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
This is a common development in kittens – when they’re first born, their eyes are typically blue, but after about three months, they can change to copper, brown, or yellow-green. Sansa’s eye color transformation was a sign of her healthy growth, and a sign of impending adulthood.
A Kitten's First Bath - A Story of Misery and Misadventure
As she grew older, Sansa became bigger and more independent, and no longer required cuddling and blankets to stay warm. When Alan decided to give his beloved kitten Sansa her first bath, he expected some resistance, but he was in for a surprise.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Kittens usually don’t need baths, but Alan felt Sansa had become too dirty. But she reacted poorly to the water, scratching and biting at Alan’s hands with a fierce intensity. To him, this was a lesson in misadventure and misery.
A Tale of Transformation: How Alan's Love Brought Out the Royal Beauty in Sansa
When Alan adopted Sansa as a scrawny little kitten, little could he have foreseen her development. And four month after he first brought her home, Alan shared a series of photos on Imgur which showed how much Sansa had grown since then.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Healthy, and with a lovely coat of fur, Sansa had blossomed into a beautiful cat with plenty of sass. Alan was also relieved to find that his kitty had no major health issues during her kittenhood. Now, thanks to Alan’s love, Sansa is the luckiest cat in the world!
A Purr-fect Surprise: Sansa Gets a New Playmate!
When Alan presented Sansa with her best gift yet, a new calico cat named Arya, the two kittens instantly bonded. Despite being the same age, Arya was much smaller than Sansa, who soon took charge and showed her around.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Having a new playmate helped Sansa become less timid and more playful, something that kittens raised alone sometimes struggle with. It’s safe to say that this purr-fect surprise brought lots of joy and fun to Sansa’s life!
A Happy Ending for Sansa
Sansa was once an orphan cat, with no family to love and care for her. But then, she was lucky enough to meet Alan, who welcomed her into his home and his heart.

Source: Imgur/alanzgweb
Now, Sansa spends her days playing with her toys, snuggling up on Alan’s lap while he works, and bonding with her new sibling. Thanks to Alan’s love and dedication, Sansa is now the happiest cat in the world. A true story of hope and a happy ending!