Raising Kids Is Tough, But These Parents Are Nailing it!
Our parents are the pillars of our lives. We may never know what sacrifices they have made for us, but one thing is for sure: they will do everything they can to protect and love us.
Prepare your hearts and grab some tissues as we share with you 40 reasons why parents are the best people on Earth!
A Blockbuster Store at Home, Just for their Autistic Son
Autistic children are loving, special members of the family, and it is fitting that their parents make sure that they have all of the fun and activities as the other children in the home. When their son’s favorite Blockbuster store closed down, these parents went above and beyond to build him his own Blockbuster store!

They tried to replicate every detail down to the last shelf. We bet that movie nights will always be fun for their son!
Superhero Daddy!
When a child experiences an embarrassing moment at school, the parents feel awful and want to help. This dad came swooping in like a superhero and cheered up his little girl immediately!

He brought her a set of clean clothes and even appeared at school in clothing that made it look like he’d had his own embarrassing moment, just so she wouldn’t feel bad. This is what superheroes do. Daddy, we’re proud of you!
Goodies as an Apology
Children are always unpredictable, especially infants on their first airplane ride. In this situation, the 4-month-old’s parents knew that the baby’s behavior might be a bother to the other passengers.

They decided to offer gifts as a token of sincere apology. The thoughtful and sweet act was well-received by some crew and passengers, while others didn’t react positively. But we believe that this was actually a good move.
Become a Mushroom or Have a Shower?
These parents have been especially cunning and creative in order to get their son to shower. To illustrate what would happen to the boy if he didn’t shower, they placed photos of mushrooms in their family album.

This was their message to their son – you’ll end up looking like this if you don’t clean yourself. We just hope that in the near future, a couple of laughs will echo in the hallways of their home while reminiscing about the parents’ scheme.
Pandemic Graduation at Home
The pandemic definitely hit us like a storm. No one knew that it would cause a worldwide lockdown, making us opt out of some important events. However, this daddy did not let his daughter miss her once-in-a-lifetime graduation.

By taking matters into his own hands, he built her a stage and made everyone dress up for the occasion. Inviting some friends over, he allowed his daughter to truly experience a graduation ceremony.
Family as One
Parents are always adaptable to changes according to their child’s needs. When this man’s son was born with a uniquely shaped head, it was up to the family to make the little one feel normal.

Each family member donned their own headgear as a show of support for their youngest. We bet the little guy is happy with their act. Together they will face this challenge as one.
Happiness with an Alpaca
This dad could not hold back his glee as he took a photo with a fluffy Alpaca. His daughter loved the photo so much, she shared it online so others could witness her dad’s happiness.

What a sense of total joy her dad is showing, and she wanted everyone to enjoy this moment. This photo just makes us smile, and kind of wish we could hug an alpaca too.
A Father at Mother’s Day
This photo definitely tugged at our heartstrings. This single dad decided to dress up as a mom on Mother’s Day. He put on a lovely pink dress and added a flower in his hair. His son felt so happy that his dad would do this for him, and the little boy didn’t feel so alone on this wonderful occasion.

Parenting can be hard, and it is especially difficult without your other half. We are proud of you, dad! What an inspiration you are to all parents!
Dad Got a Tattooed Hearing Aid to Support His Daughter
This little girl has been deaf since birth and needs to wear a hearing aid at all times. Her father found a way to ensure that his little girl wouldn’t feel different – by getting a tattooed hearing aid to match his daughter’s real one.

This touching story of love and commitment will make you feel all warm inside. It is clear that this father has no issue with making sacrifices for his family. It was so cool that this little girl has an understanding dad who loves her so much.
Father Wears His Son’s Handmade Necktie to Son’s Graduation
There are many things that dads do – teaching us to ride a bike and play a sport are two that come to mind immediately. Another special dad moment is when they choose to wear our handmade stuff to special occasions.

The son on the right made his dad the tie that he’s proudly wearing. It was an easy pattern with a Pikachu design, but it made such an impact on his son’s graduation day. You can really see the happiness on their faces.
Family Photos on the Bathroom Walls
Imagine going to the bathroom and seeing pictures of your family staring at you on the wall. Sounds a bit uncomfortable, right? Well, that’s how this family decided to decorate the walls of their bathroom. It definitely made our eyes widen. Seriously?

These parents have a pretty unique sense of humor. We can imagine friends and relatives coming over to use the bathroom and feeling a bit creeped out by this interior design choice. Chances are they decide to hold it for a bit later.
Dad’s Photobombing Skills
If you’re not one for dressing up, then the rare times that you do (school dances, weddings, ceremonies, etc.) can be exciting. Many want to snap photos of themselves wearing that sharp suit or stunning gown, but watch out for photo-bombers!

The dad with the creepy look on his face showed his moral support for his children by photobombing their photos. Classic dad move – they’re incredible, aren’t they? Dads are such supportive people who want nothing more than to have fun and make sure we’re happy.
Dad Studied Cosmetology for His Daughter
Many of us have been there – dad picks up a comb to fix our hair but then hands it off to mom because his skills aren’t what he thought they were. The little girl below doesn’t have to worry about that because her dad is well-equipped to do it all!

This dad’s commitment to getting better at fixing her little girl’s hair led him to take a cosmetology course. We hope this girl appreciates daddy’s dedication to making her look beautiful.
Family and Doggo Foot Portrait
Family photos are usually reserved for people only, but these parents included more than just humans – they had their dog too! It may seem absurd at first glance, but they shared this with their son, who was unable to be with them.

This doesn’t mean they will replace their son. Rather, it’s a cute way to honor their dog for always staying with them. Let’s just hope this perfect weekend getaway won’t turn into a disaster when there is barking and running everywhere.
Dad Cheers Up His Daughter Using Photo Filters
These dads who send silly pictures to cheer us up are all we need. Their efforts are so amazing and thoughtful that their presence makes any day better just by being in it – even if only for a brief moment.

Using his mobile phone, this Dad sent his newly discovered filter to his daughter. If her day wasn’t going so well, we’re sure this brightened it up a bit. It’s nice when dads do silly things that let us appreciate their presence in our lives.
Mom’s Creativity Saves Her Son from Embarrassment
This little boy broke his arm in an accident, so he needed to wear a cast at school for a few months. To save her son from embarrassment, mom turned this simple cast into an extraordinary work of art.

With his mom’s creative abilities at hand, this little boy’s cast now is a stunning Pokemon design. Yep! It turns out that his momma is actually an incredible artist. Mom’s creative way instantly convinced her son to go to school.
Dad’s Stuck in the Computer Prank
After watching the movie Tron, this man’s daughter had a nightmare that her dad was trapped inside the computer. In the morning, dad decided to play a little prank. When his daughter went to turn on the computer, she saw a picture of her dad looking stuck inside the computer!

This prank is both messed up and hilarious. Although we feel bad for the girl, we can’t help but laugh at how goofy dad looks here. Hopefully, dad explained everything, and she won’t have any more nightmares.
Dad’s Safety Tips for Driving
Dads are our greatest protectors, and that is why they want to ensure that we are safe at all times. The dad below wanted his daughter to feel as though he was always there for her.

To do that, he adjusted the speedometer on her new car to encourage safe driving skills. These added features show that he’s a great and protective father who wants his daughter to drive safely. It’s heart-warming to have a dad around who cares so much.
Parent’s Impressive Parody Pose
What a cute picture of these two friends at Disney World! We can already tell that they had an amazing time together because their faces are all smiles. The parents on the right side want to share in that, so they made a parody of their son’s awesome pose.

These two oldies are so adorable. They recreated it as if they were back in the old days. Looking at this photo, we can surely tell that this family is full of love for each other.
Quirky Parents Fill the Fridge with Googly Eyes
Parents are so cute – especially when tapping into their inner child by being playful and doing silly things. If you’re wondering what it feels like to have all eyes on you, check out this goofy fridge.

These quirky parents took the time to stick googly eyes on their milk bottles, salad dressings, apples, and more – nearly everything has a pair of eyes! Whenever you’re hungry or thirsty, you end up having a staring contest. What a fun new way to interact with food!
Mom Dressed as a Dad for Her Child’s School Program
It’s hard enough being the only parent at home, especially if you have little ones who need constant attention from mommy or daddy. What if your child needs a dad to attend a school program, but you’re a single mom?

We already had a dad dressed as a mom, so now we’ll balance it with a mom dressed as a dad. This mother loves to support her son and doesn’t hesitate to dress up like a dad when he tells her about his school programs. We love to see it.
The Best Gift Father Gives for Her Daughter’s Birthday
Although 18 can be old, it’s not too old for fathers to show their daughters how much they care. That is why this dad decided to make his face a part of the gift he gave to his daughter at her birthday party.

The blanket came complete with her dad’s entire face printed on a comfy blanket. Now she will always have something that reminds her of her dad. We’re sure this one became her favorite gift. The dad’s confused stare is classic.
Like Father, Like… Dog?
These two are the perfect representation of what it’s like to have an unexpectedly great bond. Sometimes getting a new dog can be difficult because they have behavioral issues. However, this little guy had no trouble with that at all.

The daughter shared this photo of her father carrying around their pet dog. She stated that her dad didn’t want the dog initially but quickly warmed up when the doggo put on a face like that. It’s just too hard to resist.
This Father Cherishing His Son’s Creative Work
Dads who care about their children’s creative endeavors are a dream combo for many of us. This father loves to display the meme his son sent to him. We bet he was touched by its message. Who wouldn’t be?

He didn’t know that his son valued all of his sacrifices, but this piece of art let him know. We all want this sweet dad and son relationship – a dad who cherishes creative work and a son who values all the dad’s sacrifices.
Awesome Family Picture
Although family photos can be notoriously difficult with little kids, these parents managed to make it work. How? They donned stylish sunglasses and had everyone pose like a celebrity on the red carpet. Say cheese!

We cannot help but smile when looking at this photo. It reminds us of how awesomely sweet life can be. When the young ones grow older, they will look back and appreciate how cool their family was back in the day. This family portrait shoot is going to be great for nostalgia.
Dad Making Fun of Himself at the Supermarket
It’s not unusual to find families looking through the market’s aisles together, picking out treats that will make their taste buds tingle with delight, but what happens when dad does this typical grocery shopping routine? Well, this is where some scenes get a little funnier.

He seems so much like your typical dad in a blue shirt who is just looking for food items at affordable prices. However, when he reaches the frozen section, he feels the need to strike a funny pose. LOL! I bet dad wants to bring his jacket next time.
Dad’s Pride and Joy
This dad asked his son if he wanted to see his pride and joy. When the son said yes, the dad showed him a picture with a furniture polish called Pride and a dishwashing detergent called Joy. He wasn’t lying!

In many ways, it’s a classic dad joke that’s built around puns and clever wordplay. It’s sure to bring both pride and joy to his son’s heart. We imagine that dad carries the picture around to try it on unsuspecting people and watch them laugh.
Daughter’s Princess is Daddy
The number one thing needed when parenting an infant or young child (especially girls) is patience. Without it, parents would go crazy from frustration. You’ve got to take it in stride like this dad did when her daughter asked him to be a fairy.

The defeat is evident in this dad’s face. We’re sorry, dad, you can’t say no. Nevertheless, his patience with his daughter is remarkable, and we can’t help but feel the joy coming from them as they play together in this adorable photo.
Dad’s Love for Plants
The daughter who captured this witnessed her dad watering the plants in the Walmart garden. He’s a perfect representation of doing what needs to be done. Just look at him watering those innocent flower bulbs. How cute!

There are lots of things you can learn just by looking at this lovely photo. He didn’t even have anything planned for that day, but when he saw all those thirsty pots waiting to be filled with water—well, you can see this man is so pure.
Mom Encouraging Her Son with Notes in His Lunchbox
Remember those special notes you would get from your parents? That is exactly what happened to this little boy who received hand-written messages with a cute character in his lunchbox every day.

Mom knows this little boy loves hearing about how much they care about him. Who wouldn’t? It’s important to feel loved. Many children are happy to know that their parents feel this way towards them. We think she deserves an award just for being such an amazing mom.
Super Supportive Mom and Dad
The photo of this girl on her parent’s shirt is so adorable! As you can see in the image, this girl celebrated her first medal with dad and mom wearing a printed shirts with her face. Though she looks so embarrassed, we know she’s happy on the inside.

Her parents went to every match and were there in person when she won her first medal! Now for all the matches they can’t attend, at least they could share this moment through these printed pictures and their loving presence.
Dad Being Grateful for Having His Wife and Daughter
This girl who shared this post must have been so grateful for having these lovely parents. She stated that every year on her birthday, her dad gives her mom a flower with a letter thanking her for giving birth to their daughter.

Well, dad’s right. It’s an amazing gift they will never forget – even after many years have passed. This special moment touched our hearts, and we’re sure it did for this daughter too. What lucky girls. Wouldn’t everyone like a dad like this?
Extraordinary Care from an Extraordinary Mom
Moms have a great ability to be there for their kids when they need it the most. For example, when they’re sick. The thirty-year-old man behind this photo told his mom that he was sick, and shortly thereafter, this is what he received.

It doesn’t matter how old someone might seem – if there’s a problem at hand, moms are always to the rescue. This mix of comfort food and medicine is sure to make him feel better. Great going, mom!
Mother Knows How to Be Resourceful
This mom wanted to make a birthday cake for her daughter. Unfortunately, their mixer broke – but that didn’t stop mom! She wasn’t going to let her daughter’s birthday go by without a cake, so she created her own mixer.

This mom didn’t want to waste her time looking around stores trying to find a mixer, so she used a power drill to mix the batter together. The cake was made on time! Moms always seem to have these marvelous skills when needed most, don’t they?
Mothers Always Love to Feed Us
Every daughter needs a parent who never stops showing their love. A lot of mothers show their love by cooking for their children. This mom did that and more – she cooked food for all the workers at her daughter’s job.

Not only does this mom show love for her daughter, but she also spreads kindness in her daughter’s workplace. It makes us smile from ear to ear, knowing just how lucky she is to have a mom like this.
A Mom’s Support for Her Child’s Passion
From childhood to adulthood, our parents love us unconditionally. No matter what we do or want, they always have our backs. To show you the epitome of love, here’s a mom who is helping her son play his favorite game.

Ever since he started playing video games, mom has been there to help. First, she was just there to cheer him along, but now, she allows her son to stand on her lap to see the screen better. She’ll do anything to support his passion for gaming!
Mom Providing Some Shade
We can all relate to this mother’s love. We are grateful to see moms taking care of their children. Though overprotective moms may seem over-the-top at times, we can’t deny the fact that all they want is to ensure the safety of their kids.

This mom is not only here to watch her little boy’s soccer game but also to protect him from the intense heat of the sun. She stood in the hot field carrying an umbrella to shield her son. Great job, mom!
Mom Sends Gifts from Home
When you think about it, sending your child across the world is a big decision. And while most parents are counting down the days until they can see them again, some are making scarves to send to their children who’re away.

This mom wanted something special to help keep her daughter warm during the cold winters, so she knitted this pencil scarf and sent it to her – what a great way to show your love when your daughter is so far away.
Parent’s Unexpected Revenge
Many people love their phones and feel frustrated when they’re taken away – especially when you’re a teenager and your parents take the phone away! The girl who shared the photo below knows exactly how that feels because her parents confiscated her phone.

After doing that, they dressed up in matching jackets, went out in public, and took a bunch of goofy selfies that surely embarrassed her daughter. They posted some of them on their daughter’s Facebook and then gave back the phone.
Selfie Reenactments with Dad and Sons
The man on the upper left side wanted to take a mirror selfie – by himself. However, his dad interrupted him and brought in his two brothers. Soon all three posed for the same mirror selfie that the youngest son wanted to do alone.

All four family members had their own unique input for this one photo session. What do you think? Who recreates it best? Although it might have been annoying at first, it ended up being a fun time with the family.