2 Sisters Have Twins From the Same Man On the Same Day!
Sisters often like to do a lot of things together, like these model sisters born 12 years apart, but these sisters take things to a whole new level. The two women get pregnant at the same time and find out they’re both giving birth to twins on the same day! These pairs of twins mightbe the very first of their kind, like these twins born from embryos frozen 30 years ago.
If that weren’t shocking enough, those 4 babies actually have the same father! Check out this fascinating story about these women who managed to plan this whole thing.
Annie and Chrissy
Annie and Chrissy are just about as close as 2 sisters can be. They like to do everything together, so having children at the same time doesn’t come as a huge surprise.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/YouTube
They’ve supported each other through thick and thin, in good times and bad, as sisters should! Annie turned to her sister for support during a really difficult time.
Annie and Joby Johnson’s Struggle
Annie and her husband, Joby had been trying to get pregnant for many years with no success. They went through 5 long years of fertility treatments but to no avail.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/YouTube
The treatments were putting huge amounts of stress on the couple. They were becoming close to giving up, not knowing what to do next.
Fertility Struggle
Fertility treatments are a difficult process for any couple. For Annie, it has a large impact on her hormones and body. But it’s also a huge financial strain, especially after trying for 5 years.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
After their first round of treatment, they were extremely excited about the prospect of having a baby, but every time the doctor would call it was not the news they were hoping for. They didn’t know what to do.
What Are Sisters For?
When in doubt, turn to your sister! Chrissy was always in Annie’s corner to comfort her when she was becoming discouraged. She was by her side when treatments failed.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
She provided emotional support through the difficult time, but she wanted to do more than just be a shoulder to lean on. She had a plan up her sleeve to help her sister in a major way.
The Couple Almost Gave Up
Tragically, Annie had almost reached the point of giving up hope that they would be able to have children of their own. They were beginning to give up their dreams of having a family.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Annie explained, “In 2008 we tried, in 2009 also; in 2010 was the in-vitro, and on paper, everything looked great, but we got the phone call with the bad news that I was not pregnant after that round, and that was the hardest call ever to receive”.
Breaking Point
After that final round of treatment, Annie was so devastated by the news she didn’t think she could carry on with the cycle of treatment and devastating phone calls from the doctor. She was losing hope.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
When Annie told her sister of the bad news, Chrissy decided that was enough. She couldn’t bear to see her sister this upset anymore. Something had to be done and she had a proposition to do just that.
What Was She Suggesting?
When Annie told her that the most recent treatments hadn’t worked, like the rest, Chrissy said “If there was anything I could do to help, you know, I would do it”.

Source: Facebook
Annie knew this was true but she didn’t know exactly what Chrissy was suggesting. Was she saying what she thought she was saying? Or, was she just trying to be supportive?
Chrissy’s Family
What made things even more difficult for Annie was that Chrissy had the beautiful family that she wanted for herself. And Chrissy wanted that for her sister as well.

Source: Facebook
Chrissy and her husband had two beautiful boys together. She had conceived and delivered her sons without complication. She felt lucky to have had that experience, especially after seeing what her sister was going through.
One Last Chance
Although Annie didn’t know if she could go through another round of in-vitro, Chrissy convinced her to give it one last shot, feeling certain this one would be different. The doctor implanted 2 embryos and the couple waited in anticipation.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Thankfully she took her sister’s advice and soon enough she had a baby bump for all to see! It was a miracle and the entire family was absolutely thrilled.
A Miracle
There was even more to celebrate. Everyone was ecstatic for Annie that the treatment had been successful, but there was even more good news to be excited about. Annie wasn’t the only one having a new baby.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Chrissy was pregnant as well! The sisters were pregnant together and could go through the entire process with each other. They were absolutely ecstatic.
Being Pregnant Together
Being able to go through the experience together made Annie’s first time even more special. As excited as Chrissy was to be pregnant herself and grow her own family, she was also thrilled for her sister to be going through the process for the first time.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
She was happy to let the spotlight be all on Annie after 5 difficult years of trying. They had no idea that there would be even more unbelievable coincidences to come.
A Surprise at the First Ultrasound Appointment
The sisters got pregnant at almost the exact same time so they were able to go to doctor appointments together. They were in for a huge surprise at the very first ultrasound appointment.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Annie recalls, “They found one in me, and then they moved over and saw another little sac with another flickering heartbeat”. Annie was pregnant with twins!
Double Trouble
It was incredibly exciting that Annie was pregnant at all, let alone pregnant with twins! After so many years of trying she was thrilled to welcome not one, but two babies into the world.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
In an unbelievable turn of events, Annie wasn’t the only one preparing to welcome twins into the world. Chrissy was pregnant with a set of twins herself! It was almost too hard to believe they could both be pregnant at the same time, and with twins no less.
Chrissy Goes Into Labor
The sisters shared the entire pregnancy experience together and it was now time to go through motherhood together as well. Chrissy went into labor and couldn’t wait to welcome 2 new babies into the world.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Her family would be growing from 4 to 6 members! Of course, her sister was right by her side throughout the labor process. Annie was thrilled for her sister and perhaps a little nervous as well.
Were Those Nerves?
Her nerves started to turn into pain and she began to wonder if what she was feeling was something other than just excited nerves for her sister. Sure enough, she was right to think that something else was up.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Suddenly, she felt an incredibly sharp pain in her side… and then another. It was a pain she had never experienced before and she started to understand what was happening.
What Are the Chances?
She whispered out loud to the doctor in her sister’s delivery room: “This can’t be happening” but it sure was. Annie was going into labor on the same exact day as her sister.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
The four babies would be born on the same day! It was so unbelievable that neither the sisters nor the doctors could believe what was happening. Thankfully, she was already in the hospital for her sister so she could be checked out right away.
4 Babies in 1 Day
The doctors were able to quickly check out Annie and confirm that the woman was definitely going into labor. These babies were coming and coming fast! Maybe they wanted to share a birthday with their cousins.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Annie delivered her own twins a few short hours after Chrissy had given birth to hers. Four brand-new babies were welcomed into the world.
Baby Girls and Boys
Chrissy delivered 2 healthy boys and Annie delivered 2 girls and all 4 babies were happy and healthy. It was everything a mother could ask for.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
The women celebrated together and got to spend time with their new sons and daughters as well as nieces and nephews. However, the question remained: Was this whole thing really a coincidence?
The Secret Plan
As it turns out, there was something of a plan behind this whole miraculous story. It all goes back to Chrissy’s plan to help her sister when she couldn’t bear to see her disappointed from so many failed treatments.

Source: Joby Johnston/ Facebook
As it turns out, Chrissy had actually offered to be Annie’s surrogate. Annie was naturally hesitant at first; she understood the huge responsibility she would be asking of her sister if she were to be her surrogate. But, she eventually got on board after discussing it with her husband, Joby.
How It All Went Down
Chrissy was more than willing to be the surrogate for her sister. She couldn’t wait to be able to help her sister have a beautiful healthy baby. So, she had 2 of Annie’s embryos implanted. It just so happened that at that exact same time, Annie had 2 embryos implanted in her as well.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Of course, Annie didn’t expect that her embryos would take because she hadn’t had success in the past, but she had promised Chrissy that she would give it one last shot. In an unbelievable turn of events, all 4 embryos took!
Keeping it Hush, Hush
The sisters were keeping the whole thing under wraps until they could confirm that Annie’s pregnancy would take. They didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up since thy knew treatment had been unsuccessful in the past.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
But, when it was clear that Annie would be having a baby right alongside her sister, they let the secret out to their friends and family. What they couldn’t have planned was that there would be 4 babies in the mix!
This meant that the 4 babies delivered that day were actually quadruplets! Annie and Joby went from 0 children to 4 in one day. That’s a big jump!

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Annie explained through happy tears, “We still can’t believe it sometimes. We’re very thankful for what she did for us. We’re very grateful and thankful that they’re all here”.
Chrissy’s Decision
Chrissy explained that she had started doing her own research on surrogacy when Annie was struggling to get pregnant. She stated, “I didn’t know if I could even be a surrogate or care for the baby but I did some research and found out I would be able to do so and put it out there just as a consideration for the future”.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
“If it ended up that Annie was not able to carry a baby then that is what was preventing them from having a child then I would do that for them”. She just didn’t know that they would be bringing many more than 1 baby into the mix.
The Doctor’s Warnings
The doctor had warned the couple of the potential that all 4 embryos would take and checked with the coupe that they would be okay with caring for 4 babies if that was the outcome.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
But, they wanted to give themselves the best shot at success. Annie said, “For us, after trying for so long, we were just trying to increase our chances of getting at least one”.
Joby’s Concerns
While the couple was ecstatic to welcome 4 healthy babies into their family, Joby did have some of his own concerns. Annie explained that during her pregnancy Joby was “thinking more down the road of what we were going to do with 4 babies”.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
This is a natural concern! Having one baby is a life-changing event, so having 4 at once is a total lifestyle transformation. But, the couple was prepared and excited to welcome all of the kids into their life.
Ready for Babies
Once it was clear that they would be welcoming 4 new babies into their home, the couple had to start preparing! They transformed one of the rooms in their home into a nursery with cribs and all.

Source: NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus/ Youtube
Once the day came, they couldn’t believe that all 4 would be brought home on the same day. That was something they couldn’t have prepared for!
A Story to Tell Them When They Grow Up
The best part about the story is that one day when the babies are old enough to understand, they will hear the tale about how they were brought into this world. Charlie, Tommy, Gracie, and Haddie might be just as amazed as their parents are.

Source: The Columbus Dispatch
The kids will basically have 2 pairs of parents to turn to as well. Luckily Chrissy and her family live just 7 houses down the street from Annie and Joby so family is never very far away.
Chrissy Helps Out
For the first few weeks, it was naturally really hectic in the house! Obviously, taking care of 4 babies as first-time parents were not easy and the parents were extra cautious since they had so much trouble bringing a family into the world.

Source: The Columbus Dispatch
To help out in those initial weeks, Chrissy moved in with her sister and Joby to give them a much-needed extra hand. They were outnumbere4rd, after all! But after a few weeks, they were getting the hang of this whole “parenting journey” and Chrissy moved back home (just down the street).
A Beautiful Ending
This incredible story ended with Annie finally being able to have the beautiful big family that she always wanted. And Chrissy got to be an integral part of this journey.

Source: Joby Johnston/Facebook
All four babies are happy and healthy and have 2 cousins to start getting to know. It may not have been the way they planned to have a family and it might have